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發表於 2017-10-5 14:28:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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ALBION FRONT, CORENTYNE – The St. Mary’s Anglican Church at Albion Front recognized five teachers for their contribution to the education sector. Willamay Permaul,Cheap Jerseys From China, Mary Willidum, Jean Chinsammy, Lachmi Anderson and Sharon Appadu together have 120 years of service.During the brief ceremony last week, President of the Church, Romel Ayasammy, noted that these teachers helped in molding several of tomorrow’s leaders. He called on those,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, still on the job,jerseys from china, to continue the fight despite challenges to ensure strong moral values are instilled in the minds of the young ones. Mr. Ayasammy explained that the members of the Church decided to honour the efforts of these women who are all from Albion. The selection was based on the years of service.The five teachers who were honoured.The presentation was done in collaboration with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company. Each was presented a trophy and tokens from GT&T.Willamay Permaul retired after teaching for 35 years. Fourteen of there years were spent at the Cropper Primary,Cheap Sports Jerseys, 17 at Albion Primary and the remainder at the Belvedere Primary School.Another retiree,Jerseys NFL China, Mary Willidum, taught at the Albion Front Nursery for 32 years. Jean Chinsammy has 19 years to her credit after working at the Belvedere and Port Mourant Primary Schools. Both Lachmi Anderson and Sharon Appadu taught for 17 years at the Cropper Primary School.Last month, the St. Mary’s Anglican Church presented school hampers to 60 children in and around the Albion area. A few days later the organization distributed grocery items compliments of the Edward Beharry Company,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, to single parent families, pensioners and senior citizens of the Church. In a fortnight,Jerseys From China, in keeping with ‘Month of the Elderly’ 25 senior citizens are to receive vitamins, food stuff and other paraphernalia.

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