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The official lyric video for the song "Godiva" from German death metal and hardcore fusionists HEAVEN SHALL BURN can be seen below. The song comes off the band's new album,jerseys from china, "Veto",stitched nfl jerseys, which is being released in North America on April 30 via Century Media Records. While "Veto" was mixed by Tue Madsen,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, there is an alternative mix available for all of the die-hard HEAVEN SHALL BURN fans out there. Guitarist Maik Weichert explains: "The vinyl version and the limited-edition three-CD box set of the record will feature an alternative mix,Wholesale Jerseys, called 'Blizzard Over England Mix' by nobody less than Colin Richardson."He continues: "The story behind the strange name for the mix: We were ready to fly over to England and mix the record,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, but there was a huge snow chaos in the U.K. — no planes,NFL Jerseys Cheap, no trains,Wholesale Jerseys Group, roads blocked — no way to get there. Colin was even snowed in and could not get out of the studio at all. So he mixed in almost absolute isolation and brought in a lot of interesting thoughts — without us sitting on the couch in the back and giving our 'valuable' advices... We really like the result and thought you should also listen to it. Most people might find that the mixes aren't very different,Cal Ripken Orioles Jersey, but those who are interested in sounds and tweaking can discover lots of different details. The vinyl will come with a CD that has the entire album in the Tue Madsen mix,NBA Jerseys From China, while Colin Richardson's mix will be added as additional and third CD to the limited-edition three-CD box set that is only available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland." The cover of "Veto" shows the John Collier painting of Lady Godiva (c.1898). Weichert comments as to why this piece of art works perfectly with the underlying concept of the album: "It as an icon regarding the fight for social justice. The image also represents a contemporary issue: i.e. today's leading class being isolated from the people and the conflicts arising from that. It is also a great way to show our fans how current problems and topics can be reflected and derived from historical artworks." "Veto" track listing: 01. Godiva 02. Land Of The Upright Ones 03. Die Stürme Rufen Dich 04. Fallen 05. Hunters Will Be Hunted 06. You Will Be Godless 07. Valhalla 08. Antagonized 09. Like Gods Among Mortals 10. 53 Nations 11. Beyond Redemption "Godiva" lyric video:  "Hunters Will Be Hunted" video:

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