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Wholesale NBA Jerseys Authentic GGDMA









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發表於 2017-10-7 22:41:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Government has named a banker as the new Chairman of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), a state entity that regulates the mining sector.According to a release from the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA),Eton Chester,nfl jerseys cheap, currently a member of the Board of Directors of the GGMC and the Managing Director of Citizens Bank, has been identified to serve as Chairman, following the resignation of Joe Singh, last Saturday.New GGMC Chairman, Eton ChesterThe announcement was made by Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment,Wholesale Jerseys, Robert Persaud, in a letter to the GGDMA and key stakeholders.Chester will be replacing Major General (ret.) Joe Singh who over the weekend resigned with immediate effect after GGDMA threatened to boycott Mining Week activities which started Sunday.Hours before Sunday’s commencement of Mining Week, Singh tendered his resignation.The move came amidst increasing pressure by GGDMA, a powerful advocacy group, which warned that it will not participate in any of the mining activities if Singh remained at the helm of GGMC.GGDMA had recently passed a no confidence vote against Singh,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, a former army chief and environmentalist. Singh is also Chief Executive Officer (ag.) of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company.In a letter of resignation sent to Minister Persaud, which was released by the former Chairman to the press, Singh emphasised that he did not want to be the reason why GGDMA would not participate in Mining Week activities.“I had not been informed that such a vote had taken place and now that I am aware of this,NFL Jerseys From China, I would not wish to be the excuse for the Association’s non–participation in the Mining Week 2012 activities,jerseys nfl wholesale, and also an inhibiting factor in the much needed collaboration between the Association and the Commission and with your Ministry.“As a professional who has strived to serve the interests of Guyana and all of its citizens to my utmost ability for over the past forty-eight years of my working life, it is not difficult for me to make this decision to resign from the Membership of the Board of the GGMC and as Chairman,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, I respectfully do so with immediate effect.”

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