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發表於 2017-10-8 16:21:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An East Bank Berbice teacher whom it was discovered had forged a National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) results slip seems to have gotten away with the act.Since the matter was reported in February,NFL Jerseys China, some ‘foot dragging’ seems evident.When contacted,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Regional Education Officer, Mrs Shafiran Bhajan, stated that she has sent all her reports to the relevant authorities (Ministry of Education and Teaching Service Commission) and they would have to take it from there.One source revealed to Kaieteur News that it is widely suspected that the Guyana Teachers’ Union is behind the stalling of the matter.The source went on to discuss the gravity of what they describe as a ‘criminal act’ that is highly punishable by law and that the teacher, to whom all the evidence points, should have been brought before the Disciplinary Committee of the TSC a long time ago.According to information, the teacher in question borrowed an NGSA results slip from her neighbour and had promised the neighbour to try to acquire a prize for the child who was awarded a place at the New Amsterdam Multilateral School (NAMS). The child gave the slip and believed the story.The teacher allegedly altered the slip to show that it belonged to a relative of the teacher.Sources have revealed to Kaieteur News that the beneficiary student,Wholesale Jerseys, who originally had gained a place at the Tutorial Academy Secondary School (TASS),NFL Jerseys Outlet, was mysteriously ‘awarded’ a place at the New Amsterdam Multilateral School (NAMS),Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, after the forged NGSA slip was produced by the teacher.The teacher then apparently did not take the child to admit him or her at NAMS because it would have been revealed on that school’s master list that the child’s name was not on it, which would have aroused suspicion.Instead,China Jerseys Cheap, the teacher took the child to another senior secondary school in the region.That school then accepted the slip without knowing it to be forged and admitted the child unbeknownst to the regional education authorities. That school also did not double check with NAMS,Cheap Jerseys From China, so no red flags were raised.Mrs Bhajan said that during the investigation, the teacher reported to the Department of Education accompanied by an official from the Guyana Teachers’ Union.She added that the Chief Education Officer has all the reports and that the matter rests at the senior levels in Georgetown for further actions against the teacher.She stated that the teacher has denied the act.After the regional officials were somehow tipped off about the matter in January, an investigation was conducted with the schools in question and the matter was exposed. Education officers in Region Six conducted an investigation and recovered the forged slip.The original slip with the child who had genuinely been awarded a place at NAMS was also found.

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