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Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale 000 dead.One who wouldn’









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發表於 2017-10-11 09:29:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Haiti earthquake…PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) – The truckers filling Haiti’s mass graves with bodies reported ever higher numbers: More than 150,000 quake victims have been buried by the government, an official said yesterday.That doesn’t count those still under the debris, carried off by relatives or killed in the outlying quake zone.Government has claimed the toll from the country’s earthquake could rise to as many as 300,000 dead.“Nobody knows how many bodies are buried in the rubble — 200,000? 300,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000? Who knows the overall death toll?” said the official, Communications Minister Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue.Dealing with the living, meanwhile, a global army of aid workers was getting more food into people’s hands,Cheap Jerseys Online, but acknowledged falling short. “We wish we could do more, quicker,” said UN World Food Program chief Josette Sheeran, visiting Port-au-Prince.People raise their hands in prayer during a Sunday church service outside a displacement camp in Port-au-Prince yesterday. REUTERS/Tomas Bravo In the Cite Soleil slum, U.S. soldiers and Brazilian UN peacekeeping troops distributed food. Lunie Marcelin, 57, said the handouts will help her and six grown children “but it is not enough. We need more.”The Haitian government was urging many of the estimated 600,000 homeless huddled in open areas of Port-au-Prince,Jerseys From China, a city of 2 million, to look for better shelter with relatives or others in the countryside. Some 200,000 were believed already to have done so, most taking advantage of free government transportation, and others formed a steady stream out of the city yesterday.International experts searched for sites to erect tent cities for quake refugees on the capital’s outskirts, but such short-term solutions were still weeks away, said the International Organisation for Migration, an intergovernmental agency.“We also need tents. There is a shortage of tents,” said Vincent Houver, the Geneva-based agency’s chief of mission in Haiti. Their Port-au-Prince warehouse has 10,000 family-size tents, but some 100,Cheap Jerseys From China,000 are needed, he said. The organisation has appealed for $30 million for that and other needs, and has received two-thirds of that so far.In the aftermath of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake,Cheap Jerseys From China, the casualty estimates have been necessarily tentative. Lassegue told The Associated Press the government’s figure of 150,000 buried, from the capital area alone, was reported by CNE, a state company collecting corpses and burying them north of Port-au-Prince.That number would tend to confirm an overall estimate of 200,000 dead reported last week by the European Commission, citing Haitian government sources. The United Nations, meanwhile, was sticking yesterday with an earlier confirmed death toll of at least 111,481, based on recovered bodies.The final casualty estimates, which the European Commission said also include some 250,000 injured, will clearly place the January 12 earthquake among the deadliest natural catastrophes of recent times. That list includes: the 1970 Bangladesh cyclone, believed to have killed 300,000 people; the 1974 northeast China earthquake, which killed at least 242,000 people; and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, with 226,000 dead.One who wouldn’t die in Port-au-Prince was Wismond Exantus, who was extricated from the rubble Saturday. He spoke with the AP from his cot in a French field hospital yesterday, saying the first thing he wanted to do was find a church to give thanks.He spent the 11 days buried in the ruins of a hotel grocery store praying, reciting psalms and sleeping,Nike Air Force One Shoes Women, he said. “I wasn’t afraid because I knew they were searching and would come for me,” he said.With further such rescues highly unlikely so long after the quake, Haiti’s government has declared an end to search operations for the living, shifting the focus more than ever to caring for the thousands surviving in squalid, makeshift camps.

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