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發表於 2017-10-11 12:29:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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….father, child left on US flight yesterdayA mother of two has confirmed her worst fears that her four-year-old son Jonathan Haynes has been removed from the jurisdiction indefinitely.The father and son left Guyana on a Caribbean Airline flight yesterday morning. Jonathan Haynes, and his father share the same name. They are American citizens.Four-year-old Jonathan HaynesCharlyn Barnwell of 142 Essequibo Street, Lamaha Springs, North Ruimveldt said that she received a call from the South Ruimveldt Nursery School that her son attended, that a man who was described as having the appearance of the father uplifted her son from the school and had taken him away in a car PNN 2691.Yesterday, she said that after returning from a tooth extraction she noted that her son’s lunch bag and school clothes that he last wore were in front of her door.She noted that when she enrolled the child, she gave specific instructions that she would be the only person who would uplift the child from the school.Ms Barnwell noted that she had filed reports with the police and the immigration authorities asking them to be on the lookout for the man and the child. However, this proved to be futile since both of them had already left the country.Ms Barnwell explained that about two years ago, she allowed her son to leave the country with his father who then applied for US citizenship for the child. She said that they remained overseas until last month when the man brought his son back to Guyana.The woman said that she learnt that her son had been registered in a day care centre overseas. When he returned home she registered him in the South Ruimveldt facility.“The man abducted my child and I have asked the police to help. He will be five on October18.”Adding that after visiting the child care protection agency, Ms Barnwell said she was told that both of the parents are biological and both could have provided a decent life for the child. However,Wholesale Jerseys, if there was a problem it would have to be dealt with in the courts. The police told her that the situation was a private matter.Underscoring that she did not pursue her child’s father relentlessly because she was fearful of him, Ms Barnwell said that the man has a serious temper and that she was afraid of being assaulted.After her son went missing on Tuesday, she visited Pressy’s Enterprise and even called the business entity to enquire where her son was, but nothing leading her to find her son was revealed.Late yesterday afternoon she got word that her son and his father had left the country.Mother of two Charlyn Barnwell picks up her son’s clothing and lunch kit that were left in front of her home.She explained that after her son’s grandmother fell ill she allowed her son to spend time with his father. However, the mother of two lamented that the only communication she had with the 60-year-old father was through a cell phone.“And he don’t answer and you would have to send him text messages, and that is the only means of communication I had with him.” Ms Barnwell said. “My son had spent his fourth birthday in America.”Yesterday she said, “My son father’s phone is turned off and I have not been able to communicate with him since.”After her son’s return she begged the father to allow the lad to spend time with her, Ms Barnwell said she works a 24-hour shift and would have 48 hours off duty.“I would normally call his father and ask him to send my son to spend some time with me, but instead he kept my son at his brother’s place where his sisters work at Pressy Enterprise in Kingston. There the little boy would spend the day.“On two occasions I visited him there and would try and play with him but that was not the place where we could spend time together,” the mother said.

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