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–    Facilitating approximately 72,000 passengers annually With approximately, 72,000 persons utilizing the Canawaima ferry service to travel between Suriname and Guyana annually, the transport vessel can be considered an essential partner in trade or tourism.Minister of Tourism (Ag) Irfaan Ali says that the Guyana/Suriname ferry service plays an integral role in attracting tourists from the Dutch speaking country.Speaking with this newspaper last evening,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, the Minister of Tourism (Ag), shed light on the influence of the Canawaima ferry service, with regards to the commercial and tourism sector.The Canawaima Ferry which facilitates the Guyana/Suriname travel experience.Minister Ali explained that the Guyana/ Suriname ferry service which facilitates travel between the two countries has reinforced bilateral trade relations.Ali related that the service serves as a cost effective,Air Max Shoes For Sale, efficient and reliable link between both countries. Weighing in on the tourism outcome of the service, Ali said that the sector is utilizing deliberate strategies to target more Surinamese and Dutch tourists.“Just last month,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, about an extra five hundred tourists came to Guyana from Suriname and a beer fest is planned here which should attract an additional one thousand tourists.”According to statistics provided by the Transport and Harbours Department (TH&D),Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the Canawaima Ferry Service Incorporated facilitates a significant influx of visitors from the Dutch Territory.TH &D General Manager Marcellene Merchant explained that the Ferry transports an average of six thousand passengers per month.“The ferry service usually operates two trips per day,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, departing port Guyana at nine o’ clock in the morning and another at 1 o’ clock in the afternoon …. The numbers show that it transports an average of six hundred vehicles and six thousand passengers travelling to and from Suriname and Guyana per month.”Merchant,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who is also on the Board of Directors for Canawaima Ferry Inc explained this number, represents the significant amount of trade and tourist activities.“Each passenger pays a fee o US$15 which is equivalent to GYD$3,000 per trip….”Marine Superintendent Garfield Halley said the service operates based on a shared agreement between Guyana and its Eastern neighbour.“The Surinamese government and the Guyana contingent share the operations of the service. We operate on a six month basis…At peak seasons we see a spike in the number of persons travelling between the two countries. During this time we would usually make additional trips.”Halley explained that the liaison with the essential regulatory agencies has ensured a proficient ferry service.“We have a relationship with the Maritime Department as well as the Guyana Police Force to ensure all our regulations are enforced. Our Internal security personnel on all our vessels would supervise to guarantee that no illegal activities are being conducted and the police would make spot checks from time to time…. “The Canawaima ferry service was established since 1998 to connect travelers enroute of Moleson creek- 10km south of Corriverton- to the south drain in Suriname. It is the only legal marine travel connection between the two countries.

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