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發表於 2017-10-12 02:11:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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BK Quarries can currently operate until midnight, using a shift system, and the company can produce an average of 280 tons of aggregate per hour. However, the company does not believe that it should produce more unless the need arises.According to BK International Managing Director,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Brian Tiwarie,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, on Saturday, the company is maintaining that the company’s stockpile and supply of stones are enough for the local construction sector.Government,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, recently, has been declaring that there is a stone shortage on the local market, thus making arrangements to import stone since the rise in prices for the commodity over the last two years.The crushing plantLast Friday,Wholesale Jerseys China, Public Works Minister Robeson Benn said that his Ministry did a fly-over of a number of quarries and he noted that most of them had only a few days’ supply, including BK’s quarry.Nevertheless, Tiwarie refuted Government’s claim that it needs 97,000 tonnes of stone per month to complete its capital works. His estimation varied and he disclosed that Government’s demand is within the 30,000 to 40,Cheap MLB Jerseys China,000 tonnes bracket.Tiwarie said the Minister’s claims pertaining to stock at his quarries are false. He added that he probably had the location of his quarry sites wrong. At the time of the flyover his quarry had in excess of 12,000 tonnes stockpiled.Tiwari said the claim of no stone could be a personal attack on him since, from the beginning, Benn appeared not too keen on him acquiring his quarry sites and expansion applications.Sales and Marketing Manager, Briony Gail Tiwarie, said that BK International has no outstanding orders for the past week, and confirmed that the company is ready to supply whatever quantity of stone is demanded of it.“I asked the ministry (Public Works) to supply us with a forecast of what the demand is likely to be over a quarter, and I will tailor my production towards that quota, in order to supply the demand. We have always maintained competitive prices in the market, and our Company believes in value for money.”She explained, “Our Company is very active with our production and distribution. My most recent shipment to Georgetown was on Thursday. We are very diligent in our work, and take pride in the product that we offer.”General Manager of the BK Quarries, Dayajae Persaud, said that the quarries are operating up to midnight on a daily basis. As the demand increases, the company intends to run on a 24-hour basis.She revealed that the quarry has limited its credit to some customers, since for the past two years; its credit line has exceeded $50 million.Commenting on Minister Benn’s claims that the price for stone locally is exorbitant, she said the company currently sells for $8500 per tonne.“We are the monitoring market; we are watching our expenses and trying to maintain an affordable price for local consumers, VAT inclusive.” She noted that the prices currently being examined are $7000, $7500 to $8500,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, which depends on several operational factors.The company’s geologist Omar Persaud said the company can increase its production overnight, if the demand is created and the payment is readily made for materials. “It is not business smart or economical to subject our machines or staff to triple production to produce a stockpile here, which we cannot move or cannot sell.”

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