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發表於 2017-10-12 02:48:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ALP) says the statement by Attorney-General, Justin Simon,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, that theUnder fire in Antigua: Sanjeev Datadinappointment of Guyanese attorney-at-law, Sanjeev Datadin as a “special constable’’ by the Police is wrong and “null and void”, confirms that the almost eight-year long IHI investigation is entirely politically motivated.Datadin’s appointment recently as a “special constable” did not meet good feelings among some in Antigua.According to the Antigua Sun online news, the ALP said the fact that both the Attorney General and the National Security Minister deny any involvement in the appointment of Datadin,Wholesale Jerseys China, whom they admit is the personal lawyer of Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer, emphasizes the political nature of the matter.“While these government ministers are making a scapegoat of the Commissioner of Police, Vere Browne,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, for the wrongful appointment,Nike Air Max 95, he would hardly have appointed Prime Minister Spencer’s personal lawyer without some instruction,” the ALP declared.“Prime Minister Spencer must now tell the nation whether he knew and approved of Datadin’s underhanded appointment and, if not, why not,” the Labour Party said.“Datadin is not a national of Antigua and Barbuda.  He does not reside in Antigua and Barbuda.  He visits to represent Spencer in his personal matters before the Court. If the Police Commissioner felt a special constable was required,Cheap Jerseys Store, why choose a lawyer,Cheap Nike Huarache Shoes, and why the Prime Minister’s personal lawyer?” the ALP asked.The Labour Party statement called on the Police Commissioner to tell the nation “who instructed him to appoint Datadin and for what purpose.”The IHI debt settlement investigation dates back to the 1990s when it is alleged millions of dollars were funneled into the pockets of a number of individuals masked as loan repayment for the desalination plant constructed here with the loan from IHI.Another individual who was suspected to have participated in the alleged fraud was the late Swiss investor Bruce Rappaport. However,Wholesale Jerseys China, he and his IHI debt settlement company were dropped from the investigation after Rappaport settled the claim against himself and his company by paying US$12 million to the government.Two weeks ago the police had to restart gathering information as the IHI criminal case file was stolen from a cabinet at the High Court.Last week Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh swore in Datadin as a special constable to deal with cases of serious commercial fraud, particularly the IHI investigations.

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