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[IQ題] Wholesale NFL Jerseys education









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發表於 2017-10-12 07:59:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Rawle WelchDigicel became the latest entity to add their support to the Buxton Youth Developers Programme after presenting Patron of the organisation Lenox Shuffler with a cheque worth $225,000 from Head of Marketing Jacqueline James, on Sunday, in the community of Buxton.In addition to the money, James, who was accompanied by Events and Sponsorship Manager Gavin Hope, singing sensation Jomo and DJ Casual,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, also distributed gifts including umbrellas, key rings and back packs to members of the Programme as well as adults in commemoration on the organisation’s fourth Anniversary.James, quizzed on what prompted her Company’s involvement,NFL Jerseys Outlet, stated that they are always looking for opportunities to support various community projects throughout Guyana.  According to her, when the opportunity arose, they decided to get on board to help promote literacy in the Buxton communityShe disclosed that at the current stage, the money will be used to assist with the purchasing of concrete blocks for the completion of the project.James pointed out that they were very happy to see the enthusiasm of the people, adding that it was a clear indication of the residents’ appreciation for such a project. Asked whether the company was willing to commit to further support the community, James said there are always opportunities for them to participate, and she was sure that they will contribute to other meaningful ventures.James closed by saying that Digicel is always committed to the development of communities and whether it is through sports, education, health, or other social activities, they will continue to lend their support throughout the country.Meanwhile, Shuffler, who has been instrumental in soliciting support for the Project told this newspaper that the main aim of the initiative which was started on March 10, 2007,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, is to provide the youths in Buxton and its immediate environs with a safe place to learn and develop; to facilitate the incorporation of good social skills and attitudes; to promote the development of a positive image of self among the youths within the community and to develop awareness and foster the integration of a lifestyle of fitness and health.Among the other significant contributors to the programme are CIDA and the Rotary Club of Stabroek, Georgetown.Shuffler, responding to Digicel’s generosity, said that he is satisfied with the alliance and extremely thankful for the assistance which,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, according to him, came at time that afforded the children the opportunity to participate in activities that they usually would not have had.The Patron insisted that the objective is not to operate as a school,Wholesale Jerseys, but rather act as an appendage when certain weaknesses are detected among youths in the community.He disclosed that the commemoration will last for one month and among the activities planned are a Church Service, Spelling Bee Competition and Fun Activity, all of which will culminate with an Awards Ceremony.Over 300 children are registered with the Programme which will very shortly have its own facility to accommodate indoor activities and a playfield to host sporting events.The Founder of the Programme, Robin Phillips, was seen assisting with the distribution of gifts to the residents and also the sharing of food.Buxton is a village that has produced a number of outstanding sportsmen and women and academics, and at one time evolved as a centre of economic viability within the country, before it became a haven for criminal elements and undesirable activities that led to suspicion and fear, thereby halting all efforts at promoting positive images.Soca singer Jomo then entertained the youths with a few snippets of some of his famous renditions that were accompanied by a surplus of backup singers much to the enjoyment of many villagers.Among the other activities that formed part of the day were face painting,Cheap China Jerseys, trampoline jumping and cooking of the famous Buxton cook-up rice.

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