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[IQ題] Wholesale Jerseys NFL Protection of Children Act









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發表於 2017-10-12 08:00:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Sasha Schultz“When it comes to abuse and neglect, we are on the side of the children. Whose side are you on?” queried Ann Greene, Director of the Child Protection Agency (CPA). The CPA has been promoting the awareness and protection of children throughout Guyana since its conception in 2006.In 1992, as the world was moving towards a more children oriented attitude, Rights of Child Act was passed in Guyana. This act introduced more rights and services to children that previously did not exist. As a result, the CPA would come to life and be government-funded under the influence of Minister Priya Manickchand and Ann Greene.With these five pieces of legislation:- Childcare and Protection Agency Act, Protection of Children Act, Adoption of Children Act, Status of Children Act,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, and Custody Guardianship Maintenance Act, Minister Manickchand was able to not only officially launch CPA in 2009, but outline the rules and regulations.Each Act provided definitions for common occurrences that happen to children and in the process, protecting them. Neglect is the most common reported issue found involving children. Neglect means the failure or refusal,Cheap Jerseys From China, without reasonable cause, of a person having care of a child, to provide the child with basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, adequate supervision or medical treatment. If neglect is reported to CPA, they investigate the situation along with partnering services to bring justice to the child in need.CPA works intimately with the Police Force,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, and schools to effectively address the cases of child abuse. The Police Force is concerned with the investigation and charges for the accused. The GPHC is responsible for the medical needs of the victims to further help them in their cases. Lastly, the Schools have the widest access to children, and teachers relate to students on a personal level each day. Teachers can be most valuable in reporting injustice towards children because they are able to see early signs.Many challenges that the CPA faces, involve the core aspects of running a functional agency. It is scarce to find competent staff willing and able to work in a field that is not only emotionally draining, but at times dangerous. As of now, there are locations of CPA on Broad Street, Charlestown, Region 10, Region Two, Region Three, Region Six and Region Five. There is recruiting ongoing for staff to serve the interior locations. This decentralizing of the agency will eventually lead to covering every region in Guyana.Child care agencyParents are an issue as well. Sometimes it is hard to imagine someone you love harming your child, making your first instinct, disbelief.  Some believe children lie or it is the parents themselves causing harm, and at the end of the day the child stands against the people he or she loves with only the CPA to support them. These influences cause children to keep quiet on these issues and deny them to the benefit of keeping everything the way it was. This is not acceptable for the CPA because it is the child that suffers the most in the end.CPA not only provides children with services to cope, but the parents are taken into consideration as well. Reason being, is that the last thing CPA wants to do is to take a child from their home and family. If it is possible to educate the parents on how to better the environment for the child,Cheap MLB Jerseys, then that is considered first. As Greene stated, CPA offers “family based care” because it is the family that is broken along with the child.Working with the Police Force proves to be a complication. Loads upon loads of case work that sit in the police station waiting to be looked over and addressed, are there probably because there is no one to take that responsibility. In the last year there was a reported 3,377 child abuse cases. Not to mention the pending court matters of those charged. According to Ms Greene,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, CPA will be trying to implement a way for the reported cases to be looked over and taken care of sooner.No agency is perfect and CPA is not an exception to this rule. That does not mean it should be written off as unsuccessful. There are many aspects of the system as a whole that are still immature and have ways to go, but in its immaturity there are countless victims that can say they were saved from their neglect, abuse, and rape.Back in 2006 Tyrone Mortely of Bee Hive, East Coast was charged with carnal knowledge on two accounts with a 14-15 year old girl. He was sentenced to 50 years imprisonment on September 21,Cheap Nike Air Max 1, 2011. This has proven that the judicial system will take the necessary stand for children’s rights, ensuring justice is served.The majority of cases reported to CPA come from informal supporters, better known as the general public. This makes it crucial for communities to become involved in stopping crimes against children. The government has done its job by funding CPA with the necessary resources to defend; now it is up to the people to shine light on those individuals who can be neighbours, nieces/ nephews, sons and daughters who are victims of their circumstances. All it takes is a phone call to a hotline which is open 24/7 with a person on the other end ready to hear your complaint. If you find it necessary, your calls can be put in as anonymous and the victim’s name left out. All that is needed is an address and a child can be rescued.CPA offers the option of adopting or becoming a foster parent to children who have been abandoned or rescued. Just because a child has been through hard times does not mean their future must follow that same road. You can make a difference in the life of a child who desperately needs it.It takes a strong determined person to take on the role of pushing to protect the youth of a country when faced with opposition. Ms Greene has the strength to take CPA from its still fairly new position, to an unstoppable force in the protection of children.It is a common saying that it takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to protect that child. The community must become more involved in the future of these children to ensure a brighter future for the country.

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