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發表於 2017-10-12 08:37:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…while handcuffedThere was drama at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts yesterday when one of two men accused of robbery attempted to escape after he was remanded. The would-be fugitive, Jermaine Daly, was about to be escorted to the holding cell,Nike Air Max 95 For Sale, when he sprinted to the back of the court and made a futile attempt to mount the high barbed-wire fence.The attempt understandably failed, as his hands were in cuffs behind his back. The man then ran to the Brickdam entrance of the court, where he was swarmed by policemen. He was quickly apprehended and placed in the holding area, where he was heard saying “I going in jail fuh something me ain’t do”.Daly and another man were yesterday refused bail on a simple larceny charge, when they appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-BeharryDaly, 22,Cheap NFL Jerseys, of Albouystown and Akeem Charles, 20, both pleaded not guilty to two robbery charges that were read to them by.Particulars of the first charge stated that on May 25, at Agricola, they robbed Bibi Raziah of one shoulder bag, one purse, $35,Cheap Jerseys China,000 cash,Cheap Jerseys China, a GBTI bank card,Cheap Jerseys Supply, Western Union card along with other items, all totaling $40,000.The second charge alleged that on the same day at Agricola, the defendants in the company of others robbed Bibi Khan of one gold chain valued $80,000.Police Corporal Shawn Gonsalves told the court that on the day in question, at about 10:45hrs, the two victims joined a route 42 minibus destined for Georgetown.He explained that the defendants joined the minibus and requested to stop at Flour Mill Road. When the bus stopped, Daly dealt Raziah several cuffs to her face and mouth, while Charles relieved Khan of her shoulder bag.A report was made to the Agricola Police Outpost by the bus driver. Upon receiving the report, the police went on a mobile patrol in Agricola, during which the driver of the bus positively identified the two accused.The men were also identified by the victims and some of the articles were found in their possession.The prosecutor successfully opposed bail. He cited the seriousness and prevalence of the offence, and also argued that the men may not return to court to stand trial should they be granted pre-trial liberty.When asked by the magistrate if they had any matters before the court of a similar nature,Jersyes From China, Charles responded in the negative. However, Daly explained that he was charged before for simple larceny, at the Providence Magistrate’s Court but the matter was dismissed.Daly pleaded with the magistrate to release him on bail because he has a child. The visibly shaken man explained to the court that he was at work when the alleged robbery took place.As Daly spoke in a stuttering manner,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, he claimed that the police came to his work place and arrested him. He also alleged that at the time of his arrest, an officer, who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, pointed a gun to his face.The matter was then adjourned until June 12, for statements. It was then that Daly tried to head for his freedom.

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