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By Abena Rockcliffe After thirty-three years of controversial opinions and speculation comes an International Commission of Inquiry into the bomb-blast killing of Dr. Walter Rodney.The government made this announcement yesterday on the 33rd death anniversary of the famous Guyanese who was described as a scholar,jerseys nfl wholesale, historian,China Jerseys Free Shipping, activist, formidable orator and, in his latest day,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, a politician.It was the government’s chief spokesperson Dr. Roger Luncheon who announced President Donald Ramotar’s intention to call in international experts to probe the killing.But the government has not yet named the commissioners.Dr Rodney, co-founder of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA),Cheap Jerseys From China, was killed when a bomb exploded in a car in which he was an occupant. He was 38 years old at the time.Rodney’s brother, Donald Rodney, who suffered injuries during the explosion, claimed that Former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) electronics expert, Sergeant 4141 Gregory Smith, had given the politician the bomb that killed him.It was alleged that Smith planted the bomb in a walkie-talkie that blew up on Rodney’s pelvic region while he was on John Street, Werk-en-rust,NFL Jerseys Clearance, between Hadfield and Bent Streets, less than 100 metres from the Camp Street Prison.However, Smith died of cancer 11 years ago in French Guiana where he had gone to live under the name of Cyril Johnson,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, immediately after his escape from Guyana.There have also been claims that Rodney’s assassination was set up by the government of Forbes Burnham, whom Rodney was opposed to. This was because his assassination came at the height of a planned civil rebellion against the Burnham-led administration.But Burnham’s party, the People’s National Congress (PNC), had firmly denied being any part of the bomb blast killing.Luncheon said yesterday that the present government has noted the “unsuccessful and inconclusive” efforts of early inquiries into Rodney’s killing.He said too that Rodney’s family has presented and is presenting “substantial arguments” for the matter to be inquired into definitively and to bring an end to the speculation surrounding the cause, involvement and motive.He said it was in light of the aforementioned that the president decided to launch a Commission of Inquiry.Both the WPA and Alliance For Change have since welcomed the announcement for the official probe. But the WPA is saying that it will be hard to probe now in the absence of several who were suspected to be involved in the killing, both planning and execution.No word was heard from the PNCR as it pertains to the government’s announcement for inquiry.A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) which is made up of both WPA and the PNCR among other parties, has not yet pronounced either.In 1974 Rodney returned to Guyana from Tanzania. He was due to take up a position as a professor at the University of Guyana but the Burnham government prevented his appointment.He became increasingly active in politics, founding the WPA,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, a party that provided the most effective and credible opposition to the PNC government. In 1979 he was arrested and charged with arson after two government offices were burned.Walter Rodney was survived by his wife, Pat, and three children.After his assassination, Rodney received several honours. In 1993 the government of Dr Cheddi Jagan posthumously gave him the country’s highest national award, the Order of Excellence and the Walter Rodney Chair in History was established at the University of Guyana.Rodney’s death was also commemorated in a poem by Martin Carter entitled “For Walter Rodney.”

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