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Cheap NFL Jerseys China 19









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發表於 2017-10-12 20:43:11 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Two men appeared yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to separate charges of damage to property.Robert McKenzie, 19, of Lot 194 ‘D’ Grove Squatting Area,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, East Bank Demerara pleaded guilty to the charge which stated that on May 16, at North Road Bourda, Georgetown, he unlawfully and maliciously damaged an Alcatel cellular phone valued $13,000, property of Holly Anderson.It was further alleged that on the same day, McKenzie assaulted Anderson,nfl jerseys china, so as to cause her actual bodily harm. The young man also denied this charge.Police Prosecutor,Cheap NFL jerseys China, Bharat Mangru did not relate the facts to the court, neither did he object to the defendant being released on bail.McKenzie explained to the court that on the day in question, after he came home from work his fiancée (Anderson) called his mother over the phone and started to disrespect her. The defendant said that he became annoyed,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, took the phone away from her and threw it on the ground.He stressed that his fiancée is in the habit of disrespecting his mother.Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry ordered McKenzie to pay a fine of $10,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys,000 on the damage to property charge. He will return to court on May 22, for the commencement of trial in the assault charge before Magistrate Alex Moore.Meanwhile,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Delroy Thomas of Lot 102 Last Field Sophia, pleaded guilty to damaging a car bumper along with head lamps on May 16, at Cornhill Street, Georgetown.The court was told that the owner of the vehicle, Leon Glasgow, became aware of the incident after he heard a loud noise, while he was inside of his home. Upon hearing the noise he came outside and saw the defendant lying on the ground. The defendant told the victim that he ran into the car.Thomas, a father of two offered to compensate the victim for the damage to which he agreed. Thomas was given two months to compensate Glasgow. This matter will be called again on June 30 for reports.

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