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發表於 2017-10-13 02:03:04 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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A high sped chase through the streets of Wortmanville ended with a 21-year-old man nursing a gunshot wound following a reported shootout with the police.Odel Anthony,Jerseys From China, 21, a plumber of Princes Street, Wortmanville, was wounded in the right arm after he tried to elude a police mobile patrol. After shooting Anthony, the police were forced to ‘ram’ the back of the motorcycle Anthony was riding, causing him to fall.Although wounded, he ran into a nearby yard on Princes Street in an effort to escape but was pursued on foot by the police who caught him as he attempted to scale a fence.Anthony was subsequently taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted under guard. But there are conflicting reports of what actually transpired, since the police are insisting that Anthony shot at them, a story that was supported by at least two eyewitnesses, while others are saying that the young man was not even armed.The police vehicle bore two bullet holes on the right side fender and the left side of the front windscreen.However, the police did not recover the weapon that Anthony reportedly used.According to reports, three ranks in a police patrol car spotted Anthony riding the motorcycle without a safety helmet at the corner of Norton Street and Louisa Row,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, and attempted to apprehend him.Since Anthony is not a licenced rider, he chose to ride away to avoid being taken into custody and headed south along Louisa Row and then east on Princes Street with the cops in hot pursuit.Eyewitnesses said that it was then the police began shooting at Anthony.The wounded man’s aunt told this newspaper that she saw Anthony riding a motorcycle a few minutes earlier and became worried since she knew that he was not the holder of a licence.She said that she later heard vehicles speeding past her house.“When I look out, I see is he riding the motorcycle and the police deh behind he,” the woman who did not give her name told Kaieteur News.She added that she later heard gunshots and observed the police firing shots at Anthony who was busy trying to elude them. She was surprised to learn that her nephew who lives with her was carrying a firearm.However,Jerseys From China, an eyewitness told this newspaper that from what he observed,Cheap Jerseys Online, Anthony was shooting at the police vehicle even as he was desperately trying to get away.“He was shooting whilst he riding…as he riding he exchanging de gun from one hand to de next. But dem man (police) ain’t back off,” the eyewitness stated.As the chase continued along Princes Street between Chapel and John Streets,NFL Jerseys China, the police managed to hit Anthony who miraculously stayed on the motorcycle.It was not until the police rammed the motorcycle from behind that Anthony fell.He,Wholesale China Jerseys, however, ran into a yard but was eventually caught.Another eyewitness, who was standing near where Anthony fell, related that she saw the police chasing Anthony heading in her direction.She said that after Anthony fell, he ran into the yard with the police chasing after him.The woman said that she tried to go into the yard to see what was happening but was ordered not to do so by one of the policemen, who threatened to shoot her.Anthony was contacted at the Georgetown Hospital and he told this newspaper that he was indeed trying to get away from the police, since he did not have on a helmet and was not prepared to be taken into custody.He, however,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, denied shooting at the police.Anthony admitted that he had a previous brush with the law for snatching a cellular phone from a person.Following the incident, several ranks from the police Quick Reaction Unit turned up at the scene. They subsequently removed the badly damaged motorcycle that Anthony was riding as well as the police car which suffered extensive damage to the front.“He is one lucky man,” an eyewitness said when it was relayed that Anthony was not mortally wounded.Meanwhile, a Princes Street resident is wondering who will repair his car that was damaged during the chase.Kaieteur News understands that the car, which was parked, was hit by the police vehicle which was chasing Anthony.

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