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[中一] Wholesale NFL Jerseys and Kiln 13 by the end of October 2012









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BOSAI Mineral Group (Guyana) Inc. is insisting that it will complete the dust collector system at its operations in Linden this year.“Kiln 14 will be completed by the end of June 2012,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, and Kiln 13 by the end of October 2012,” said Company Secretary, Major General (rtd) Norman McLean.Residents of Linden had expressed mixed views about the success of the project as well as the company failing to meet all of its self-made deadlines.In December, the bauxite company had announced that one of the two US$6 million dust collectors would have been operational by February 2012.“The company unequivocally apologises to the community for not reaching its deadline for completion. We do not wish to go over that history as it is painful for the company and we are embarrassed. We would also like to apologise to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for failing to complete the project on time as well as completing the Environmental Agreement with the EPA. This will be done,Cheap MLS Jerseys,” McLean stated in a press release yesterday.Adding that BOSAI took over the operations of Omai Bauxite Mining Inc. from Cambior and recognized the dust problem even then,Cheap Jerseys From China, McLean disclosed that the project is costing over US$8M.The company currently employs over 600 employees and hopes to expand this number significantly through the construction of a third kiln and the development of two new products – Mullites and Proppants- to optimize production.BOSAI had met with EPA’s Executive Director, Dr. I. Ramdas and their lawyer,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Authentic, Jaya Manickchand, on March 14 last,Wholesale Jerseys, McLean revealed that at the meeting, the EPA officials “were very blunt and forthright and insisted that we finalise the agreement and bring the company into environmental compliance with their requirements. The company undertakes to honour that commitment and will work to ensure that it is a respected and good corporate citizen.”“We hope that the public at Linden and the general population in Guyana will give us the opportunity to prove that we can rise to the challenge and overcome the concerns over the proposed expansion of our operations. We pledge to work with the community to do so,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap,” McLean said.With the completion of the units, it is projected that the dust problem in Linden will be severely reduced, addressing the issue that has been affecting residents, in particular those at Silvertown and West Watooka for decades.

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