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發表於 2017-10-13 04:04:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Brain tumour patient, seven- year-old Zeneiah Loo died Tuesday at 1:30am at the Community Hospitals of Seventh- Day Adventists in Trinidad. The child succumbed after spending more than two weeks in the Trinidad hospital.Her mother, Natassie Mc Almon, said that doctors performed the major brain surgery a few days ago but the entire tumour could not have been removed since “it was in her brain stem”.  “Had they remove all, they would have taken out her brain stem which meant that she could have been paralysed, so they took out some.”Little Zeneiah Loo in happier timesMcAlmon said that the doctors performed a biopsy on the patient and the not-so-encouraging- results revealed that little Zeneiah had a Grade three tumour. Doctors then realised that those types of tumours multiply themselves sporadically when they are cut. “They could not say exactly how much (of the tumor) come out but whatever they left behind, multiplied,” she related.She said that on Sunday evening last, the child’s heart rate was 24 and “the doctor said she was brain- dead because the tumour had multiplied and destroyed the brain stem. They said she would die anytime.“So we stayed with her Sunday and Monday and prayed…she was breathing a little and her heart rate was, like, 28 it then went down below 17,” she posited.Mc Almon said that on Monday, they began to be hopeful since “she was urinating and taking in food, so we thought she was recuperating. We were praying for a miracle.“But then the hospital called at 1:30 this morning (Tuesday morning) and told us she had died”, her mother said before breaking down in tears.She noted that had they sought treatment for the child earlier, her life might have been saved, but the tumour was well in its final stages. “The doctor said that had she come earlier,Cheap NHL Jerseys, it would not have probably been so bad…She came at a very serious stage; for approximately two years she had this thing and it was in her brain stem. If only we had known earlier….”..Mc Almon, even in her time of grief, is urging all parents to watch for signs of illness in their children and to seek medical help as early as possible, to avoid the situation that her daughter was in.She expressed thanks to everyone for the prayers, support and monetary contributions. She also asked that everyone keep her and her husband, Roger, in their prayers since it is a very difficult time for the family.The parents are hoping to return to Guyana by Friday.

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