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NFL Jerseys Cheap among other offences.According to Dr Luncheon









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發表於 2017-10-13 08:27:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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“…they prefer to go to the authorities” Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon at his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing told media operatives that the Government’s position has not changed with respect to allegations which emanated from US Courts, as it relates to the trial of confessed drug trafficker Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan and his attorney, who was found guilty of witness tampering,Cheap Jerseys From China, among other offences.According to Dr Luncheon, the government’s position is that it is a matter for the police to conduct a comprehensive investigation using information available locally and externally, “Were they able to conclude that investigation, then the next step would flow from the result of that investigation.”Dr. Luncheon noted that the way in which Guyanese have been provided with information as it relates to the allegations, were primarily through the media and other sources and may conjure up the idea that the facts are all there, “Some would have us believe that the verdict is in…We still hold on to the need for a comprehensive investigation.”He noted that much of the information that will be used for the probe, “will be using our own resources but a very important contribution will have to come from trials referred to.”“Police have to investigate,Cheap Jerseys Online, but to investigate they need the support internally and externally.”He reminded media operatives that the US has been written to some time ago,Cheap Jerseys From China, requesting information,Wholesale Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, but the local authorities were told that this will be made at the conclusion of the trials adding that,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, “on the basis of what comes out in ruling, maybe other agencies and individuals may be solicited.”He was informed that all of the court documents that he referred to were already available given that the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) service provides on-line access to U.S. Appellate, District,Cheap Jerseys Online, and Bankruptcy court records and documents nationwide.The PACER Service Center is the Federal Judiciary’s centralized registration, billing, and technical support center for PACERAccording to Dr Luncheon, “I suppose that you could (use the service) and it would be useful for Stabroek and Kaieteur News but…I don’t know if it would be as useful to the police as they prefer going to the authorities.”

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