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發表於 2017-10-13 16:08:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“When governments oppress their people, deny human rights, stifle dissent, marginalize ethnic and religious groups, or favour certain religious groups over others, it sows the seeds of extremism and violence.”President Barack Obama speaks at the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Summit, at the State Department in Washington yesterday.This concept was outlined in the closing remarks of President Barack Obama at the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism yesterday.Obama in his stirring speech, which is very relevant to countries across the globe, including Guyana, pointed out that in much the same way that economic grievances are addressed; there is also need for political grievances that are exploited by terrorists to be addressed.He went on to underscore that such doings can also make those communities “more vulnerable to recruitment,” even as he highlighted the claim of terrorist groups that change can only come through violence. President Obama therefore surmised that “…if peaceful change is impossible, that plays into extremist propaganda.”Moreover, he noted that the essential ingredient to real and lasting stability and progress is not less democracy but rather more democracy. He underscored that “It’s institutions that uphold the rule of law and apply justice equally.  It’s security forces and police that respect human rights and treat people with dignity.  It’s free speech and strong civil societies where people can organize and assemble and advocate for peaceful change.  It’s freedom of religion where all people can practice their faith without fear and intimidation.”All of the foregoing, the President intimated,Cheap Jerseys Online, translates to helping to countering violent extremism.And according to him too the best partners in all these efforts, the best people to help protect individuals from falling victim to extremist ideologies are their own communities and family members.  ”We have to be honest with ourselves.  Terrorist groups like al Qaeda and ISIL deliberately target their propaganda in the hopes of reaching and brainwashing young Muslims, especially those who may be disillusioned or wrestling with their identity.  That’s the truth.  The high-quality videos, the online magazines, the use of social media,NFL Jerseys Supply, terrorist Twitter accounts — it’s all designed to target today’s young people online, in cyberspace,” asserted President Obama.He explained that it is simply because terrorists are a threat; first and foremost,China NFL Jerseys, to the communities that they target it therefore means that communities have to take the lead in protecting themselves.  ”And that is true here in America, as it’s true anywhere else.  When someone starts getting radicalized, family and friends are often the first to see that something has changed in their personality. Teachers may notice a student becoming withdrawn or struggling with his or her identity, and if they intervene at that moment and offer support,Cheap Jerseys, that may make a difference,” the President keenly outlined.He intimated too that faith leaders are among the key members of society who may notice that someone is beginning to espouse violent interpretations of religion,nfl jerseys wholesale, and that’s a moment for possible intervention that allows them to think about their actions and reflect on the meaning of their faith in a way that’s more consistent with peace and justice. “Families and friends, coworkers,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, neighbors, faith leaders — they want to reach out; they want to help save their loved ones and friends, and prevent them from taking a wrong turn,” observed the President.He however noted that communities don’t always know the signs to look for, or have the tools to intervene, or know what works best.  And that’s where government can play a role — if government is serving as a trusted partner, added the US President.“And that’s where we also need to be honest.  I know some Muslim Americans have concerns about working with government, particularly law enforcement.  And their reluctance is rooted in the objection to certain practices where Muslim Americans feel they’ve been unfairly targeted.”“So, in our work, we have to make sure that abuses stop, are not repeated, that we do not stigmatize entire communities.  Nobody should be profiled or put under a cloud of suspicion simply because of their faith,Wholesale Jerseys Group,” said President Obama. He went on to emphasize that engagement with communities can’t be a cover for surveillance adding that “We can’t “securitize” our relationship with Muslim Americans…dealing with them solely through the prism of law enforcement. Because when we do, that only reinforces suspicions, makes it harder for us to build the trust that we need to work together.”(Extracted from President Obama’s closing remarks at summit on countering violent extremism)

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