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PEOPLE’S PROGRESSIVE PARTYThe People’s Progressive Party hails the working class of our nation as we observe International Labour Day 2013.History would show that the PPP has always worked towards advancing the cause of our labour movement in Guyana, including the fact that our party made May Day a national holiday in 1958.May 1st 2013 reaches us in a very peculiar position as while many initiatives have been taken by the PPP/C to advance the cause of the working class in the 2013 budget, the AFC and APNU alliance have ganged up to deprive our workers of some of those benefits.Following on from the benefits to workers included in its 2012 budget, the PPP/C Government has placed additional emphasis on the working class and vulnerable in the 2013 budget.Significant gains for workers include a reduction in the PAYE tax by 3% which translates to a 3% increase in wages and salaries. Government has also committed to paying the 1% NIS increase for workers who earn 50,000 dollars or less. Provision was also made as in previous budgets to subsidize the electricity cost for consumers, particularly working class families. Sadly, however,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, this has been cut by the AFC and APNU for everyone supplied by GPL and they now face a steep increase in their bills.Working class families will also benefit through easier access to home loans and a tax refund on the taxable portion of the interest charged on those loans. Thousands of our hard working families will also save significantly after the Government increased the property tax threshold from 1.5M to 10M dollars which ultimately means that scores of home owners will either no longer have to pay this tax or in cases where the value of property exceed 10M, will pay a significantly reduced amount.These initiatives are all designed to empower the working class.On May Day 2013, the People’s Progressive Party calls on our opposition political parties to put their political interests and agenda aside and rather work towards advancing the interest and future of our working class in Guyana. The party also recognizes the role of our trade union movement in this initiative as they also need to put aside their differences and explain to their membership the harsh reality we face as a nation and the need for responsible measures in addressing their concerns.Conditions for our working class are by no stretch of the imagination ideal, we continue to face many challenges such as the dwindling resources and production of the sugar industry. However, the PPP has always been committed towards providing support and guidance to address these challenges.We will never give up on the working people of Guyana.The continued growth of the middle class across our country is an indication that the policies and programmes of successive PPP/C Governments have been a success. This is evident in the significant expansion of material possession and the proliferation of a variety of businesses which cater for those needs. Small savings accounts for the average worker in the banking sector are at their highest levels, the demand for more vehicles and the expansion and creation of more housing schemes are all important indicators of this reality.The historic achievement of universal primary education under the PPP/C Government and efforts to achieve universal Secondary Education all go towards benefiting the children of the working class. Hundreds of children from working class families across the racial, political and geographical divide are now returning from Government scholarships, specializing in several fields and will not only play a part in improving the services provided to our citizens but they will also be empowering their families and serve as a catalyst for their development and improvement in standard of living.This is the dream that is gradually being realized in Guyana and the People’s Progressive Party assures the Guyanese people that it will spare no effort to ensure it stays this way and all efforts to destabilize the foundation provided for our people, especially our working class to succeed will be resisted at all cost.Happy May Day to all.************A PARTNERSHIP FOR NATIONAL UNITYA Partnership for National Unity (APNU) extends greetings of solidarity to the workers of Guyana and their Unions on the observance of Labour Day 2013.As our workers go about their various activities, in observance of Labour Day 2013,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, they are patently aware that the recently passed 2013 National Budget makes no provision for any increases in their wages and salaries and seeks to confirm them on the poverty line.APNU notes that the provision for wages and salaries for workers employed through the State is being determined on only part of the income available to the state. If the Government should transfer into the Consolidated Fund earnings from NICIL,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, GGMC, the Lotto Funds and other sources of income of the state, there would be adequate resources to guarantee increases in real wages for workers.The Government has acknowledged that it has failed to pay public servants any increases in benefits, allowances, including travelling, since 1995.Labour Day 2013 observances occur at a time when the marked indifference of the Government to a cohesive approach to labour is manifest. The Minister of Labour professes to be unaware of the rate of unemployment in Guyana and, more specifically, amongst the youth.  Neither the Government nor his Ministry have carried out a manpower or a household Budget survey in recent times and, therefore, claim to have no idea of what the cost-of-living is in Guyana.The Labour Ministry has abandoned workers in areas it considers not supportive of the Government. In the case of the bauxite workers of RUSAL, in a struggle for fair wages and conditions of work, the Labour Minister erroneously claims that he cannot intervene in that dispute because the Bauxite industry is not an essential service. Therefore, the Bauxite union must sue the company. The Minister is completely abdicating his responsibility to those workers and purporting to legitimise RUSAL’s unilateral and unlawful termination of the collective bargaining agreement.APNU believes that all stakeholders must recommit to the sanctity of collective bargaining: its procedures are the only true means of determining the workers rate of pay and conditions of service, if the Unions and the employers are able to negotiate freely.A strong and united trade union movement must be an indispensible condition for securing the rights of collective bargaining and, thereby, fair conditions of work for the workers.The disrespect and disregard of the Government for Guyanese workers was revealed when it was discovered that, in the contracts for all of their big “transformational” projects, no provision was made for the employment of Guyanese workers.APNU will continue to have an abiding interest in the workers of Guyana and their welfare. APNU promises our workers a good life and continued support and solidarity in that quest.A Happy Labour Day to all!************GUYANA AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL WORKERS UNION (GAWU)The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) salutes the nation’s workforce on this now traditional and International Workers’ Day – May Day 2013.The sentiments, the meaning of this one day should permeate the entire year, every year. For workers, including the Guyanese-worker are called upon to produce everyday; to contribute practically – through physical, mental and intellectual toil, at all levels of management, non-management, policy-making and/or administration every hour. May Day then is a powerful symbol of the worth of the worker, a cause for celebration and reflection.GAWU representing workers in the key sectors of the economy paid keen attention to the just-concluded deliberations in Parliament as elected representatives considered the 2013 Estimates of Revenues and Expenditures – Current and Capital. It was a most moving, interactive and sometimes contentious exercise by the nation’s law-makers and economic planners who, no doubt, had to recognize political considerations amongst the economic factors and projections.Whilst Guyana’s Premier Labour Leader H.N. Critchlow always reminded his members that “Politics follows us from the cradle to the grave”,NFL Jerseys China, GAWU – as an affiliate of the major workers grouping FITUG – would suggest to our political directorates, including government and parliamentary opposition, that it is now timely, opportune to engage experienced trade unionists to assist in negotiating and brokering compromises and collective solutions when there is deadlock, contention and disagreement at the highest levels. After all, trade unions are primary stakeholders in any national discourse, representing as they do thousands of workers who keep the economy’s wheels turning.GAWU represents workers in vital sectors of the economy – agriculture, marine, beverages, forestry, transportation – to name a few, so we hope our foregoing suggestion is actively considered. GAWU suspects that great positives will emerge from the Budget 2013 reductions. Our members and sister Union – NAACIE – toil in sugar and electricity supply – two areas which came under the Opposition’s Parliamentary focus. So there are thousands of concerned GAWU and NAACIE members. Somehow, we feel compromise and a return to the Assembly will not be impossible.On May Day 2013 let us as Unionists resolve to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. What happens in gold, bauxite or fisheries will eventually impact upon us all. Differences are made to be overcome.Happy May Day from GAWU.************PATRICK YARDE – PRESIDENT, GUYANA PUBLIC SERVICE UNIONMay Day is a time for reflection on the struggles and achievements that prompted the internationalization and celebration of the day. On this day, the Guyana Public Service Union wishes all to reflect and ponder on the sacrifices and struggles of our forefathers that led the labour movement to gain its recognition.Such reflection would aid understanding of the value associated with the struggles, so that this could be treasured and recognized as the cementing bond for a unified movement. Our next step is to determine the legacy we must leave behind. As we find enjoyment in the fruits reaped from blood, sweat and tears sown by others, so must we take seriously the responsibly and commitment to future generations for defending, protecting and safeguarding trade union rights and social justice.In this light, we must advocate for appropriate facilities, quality education and training of youths, so that the required skills would be available. In short, we must advocate for conditions that would yield efficiency and effectiveness,Cheap Jerseys From China, economic boom and growth, health,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, strength and wisdom and all things that would bond together to create satisfied and prosperous societies. Not societies of division, of rich and poor or of haves and have-nots.It is overdue and necessary that all conscious and sincere leaders in the Labour Movement focus on the prevailing plight, neglect and inability of workers in Guyana to be guaranteed fair and equal treatment and be in a position to enforce their legal rights at work. This situation exists notwithstanding the fact of Constitution protection, laws of Guyana, ILO Conventions and legally binding collective agreements. There seems to be deliberate and widespread actions designed to undermine workers’ rights and protection offered to them by virtue of the instruments referred to earlier.It is most worrying and depressing that the pursuit of legitimate and merited representation on behalf of workers would face obstructions and anti-worker maneuvers, purely to deny rights and benefits that are fully merited and deserving. These atrocities are mainly perpetuated by persons elevated to office through the contribution and support of organized labour, whose support was based on intuitive trust following misrepresentations of working class credentials. Such trust is often found to be woefully misguided or misconceived as the painful results have revealed.An analysis of the related conduct,Cheap NFL Jerseys, actions, interests and pursuits, clearly manifests that the focus and desires of such officials are rooted in self-interest and personal benefits and political power regardless, with the result that all action initiated would put workers at risk and deny decent work, security of tenure, living wages and proper superannuation benefits required to provide for needs after faithful service. In short, the denial of the working class of the right to lives with dignity.This clearly displays the insensitivity to the needs of ordinary working class people, the vulnerable and the poor who need attention, support and the implementation of policies and programmes that would result in the upliftment, improvement in the morale and dignity.It is therefore necessary on this Labour Day for all who are conscious of the importance and necessity of a united labour movement and are afflicted by the uncaring prevailing scenarios to recognize how the existing fragmentation of working class people in Guyana is contributing to their distress and demise. There is urgent and necessary action needed for working class unity to realize the potential, which undoubtedly is needed to correct this state of affairs.As a Union we say stop the assault and violation on trade union rights, which is an outright attack on democracy and social development. We call on the government to commit to solutions for the removal of hindrances to our collective development; we call on the stakeholders to unite and pursue adherence and compliance with established laws and regulations; create a basis for freedom of association, a very serious aspect of democracy and encourage respect; we call for the eradication of contract employment and the institution of job security.I therefore urge all workers and upright people, regardless of race, religion, creed or colour, age or sex, to come together and find common grounds and rally to revive the struggles of Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, Latchmansingh and Joseph Pollydore to fulfill that goal of fair dealings, equal rights and a democratic and developed Guyana that contributes to the development and happiness of all people.

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