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Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys mid-year Business luncheon scheduled for Monday









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Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge, is set to brief the business community next Monday on the simmering border controversy with neighbouring Venezuela.Greenidge will be the guest speaker of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) mid-year Business luncheon scheduled for Monday, 20th July,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 2015, at the Grand Savannah Suite, Pegasus Hotel,Cheap NHL Jerseys, Seawall Road.The Minister had accompanied President David Granger to the recent CARICOM Heads of Government Summit in Barbados where the Head of State, in his inaugural address to the body, strongly advocated for the region’s support for Guyana against Venezuela’s aggressive moves to subsume the entire Essequibo county (five-eighths of Guyana’s land mass) and “all” of the maritime Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the association said.“The Nicolas Maduro Government has since made a series of equally aggressive moves and pronouncements especially against the US-based Exxon Mobil exploration company which had last May announced a significant find of hydrocarbons in the Stabroek Block that falls within the area decreed by Venezuela as belonging to that country.”More lately,wholesale nfl jerseys china, GMSA noted,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Maduro recalled his Ambassador in Guyana, Reina Margarita Arratia Diaz, ostensibly for debriefing. He has also reportedly threatened to issue Venezuelan identification cards to Essequibians. “The Guyana Government is in the process of addressing this contention at the level of the United Nations,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, the Commonwealth of Nations and UNASUR while working with CARICOM heads, some of whose EEZ’s have also been included in Maduro’s decrees.”According to the business body,Wholesale Jerseys China, Minister Greenidge is expected to bring the local and expatriate business community and the Diplomatic Corps up to date on the measures the Government is taking to address this threat to the nation’s progress.  Representatives of the political Opposition, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), are also expected to attend.GMSA said that its Business luncheons have become a staple on the business landscape in Guyana.“The forum provides a platform through which business owners could receive first hand up-to-date information on national and international developments that could impact the conduct of their businesses.”

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