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發表於 2017-10-14 02:02:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Minister’s accident…After believing that his matter has been shoved in a corner by police officials, relatives of Special Constable,Cheap MLS Jerseys, John July, have indicated that they are considering legal action.July,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who is attached to the High Court, and a close friend, were struck down two weeks ago by Minister Kellawan Lall.One relative yesterday confirmed that they are currently looking for an attorney to handle the matter.“We have decided this because the matter is being swept under the carpet…and we need justice,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys,” said the relative.The relative added that the accident has placed a major financial burden on them since July was the sole breadwinner for the family.July, who suffered the worse,Cheap Jerseys USA, had his left leg crushed. His stay at the institution is indefinite since according to hospital sources, July has to undergo multiple corrective surgical interventions.Relatives said that they found it “very unsettling” when they heard Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene’s comments.At a recent press briefing,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the Top Cop had stated that from all appearances, “the other party” seemed to be wrong from investigations carried out.July’s relatives are maintaining that the Minister’s vehicle was unlighted and that it was veering across the road.A senior police official had told this publication that the Minister struck down the two persons and sped away from the scene.The source also said that the Minister’s vehicle was not lighted and was indeed veering between the lanes.It was the Minister’s son who came back with the vehicle and transported the injured persons to the hospital after the Minister had left the scene of the accident.The injured lawman has supported every account of the source’s information.In a letter, the Minister admitted that he was involved in an accident at a bridge at Liliendaal,wholesale nfl jerseys, East Coast Demerara.He stated that the northern side of the road was festooned with large signs urging road users to be cautious. The Minister also claimed that the streetlights were on “so visibility was excellent”.The Minister, however, is contending that he did not drive away from the scene. Minister Lall explained that after his vehicle hit the persons he immediately stopped.“Almost immediately, persons who had gathered,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, helped to place the injured Mr. July onto the back seat of my vehicle after which he was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital,” posited the Minister.The Minister also stated that the driver of the motorcycle had stated in the presence of the police, that it was the Minister’s bright vehicle lights that caused the accident.

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