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Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping I had to buy everything and give them everything









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– Says children also sufferBy Leon SuseranThe woman and her children display their marks of violenceA speech and hearing-impaired woman of Ithaca, West Bank Berbice is claiming that she and her children are being physically abused on a daily basis by her common- law partner.The 36-year-old (name provided) related a tragic tale of verbal,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, physical and emotional abuse allegedly being meted out to her and her children by the man with whom she has been living for the past 12 years.The alleged abuser is also 36 years old, and resides just a stone’s throw from his in-laws’ home, is a cane harvester employed at the Blairmont Estate.The couple used to live with the woman’s mother but the man’s behaviour became intolerable and his mother-in-law decided to kick him out two years ago. His ‘child-mother’ left the home with him and has “lived to regret it”.“Every time he drink rum and if he friends dem tell he something, he always a pick on me and my children and if he friend wife see me go anywhere, she [will] go on the road and meet him up, and he race home, pick up cutlass on me and sometimes he does push me out from the house.”The woman noted too that if she happens to ask members of the community to speak with him about his behaviour, “he does cuss people up”.Reports have been that the past 12 years have been filled with abuse,Wholesale Jerseys China, but it is now heading in a dangerous direction whereby it has not only become more frequent and severe. The children,Cheap Jerseys, too, are now enduring it.The woman has three children, all attending the Ithaca Primary School, and they are all scared too.They related to this newspaper the daily torment they allegedly endure and that they “don’t want to live with he anymore”.“Me whole skin,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, look what he do me skin—he chopped me; this one here because—all me marks me get on me skin is after what he friend wife tell him”, the woman complained.According to her, “he lazy and he don’t like to work—he works 3 days a week and when me talk to he about if he don’t want to work, he does put cutlass to me neck—you understand?”The abused woman said,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, “he does choke me throat—cuff me all in me eyes because me been to a friend birthday up the road and he and them is not friends and he does walk up and tell me son to call and when me reach home— he does start to beat me up—tek me food and throw it away outside because he said something was in the food”.One of the kids, a 10-year-old, was very vocal during the interview and said that, “Every time he does beat people and tell people that me stink and all kinds of things. The last time, he soak a belt in the water and beat me.” The boy displayed visible marks of violence.The alleged abuser’s son, too, stated that ‘every time when he friends dem tell he something, he does beat me and if we don’t wash he shoe, he does beat me and brand up me skin—watch here,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, and here—look right here” (pointing to marks of violence on this body).“When he drink rum, he does beat us for nothing at all.”The abused woman’s mother said “he does not buy clothes or anything—I am the person who does supply the children, and if they ask for anything, he does always abuse them”.She said that this abuse has been continuing for over nine years, “because when they born, I had to buy everything and give them everything; he don’t give them nothing”.She related that they have made several reports to the nearby police at the Blairmont Station but the man was only warned a few times. “Me aint’ know—they does only warn he. He was last warned for chopping the girl and beating the kids a few weeks ago. I want the authorities to warn him.”But when asked whether another warning would be sufficient, she related, “or let them do what they want to do with him because this thing getting overbearing! You can’t live with your children—he don’t carry the children nowhere and every night he does drunk and every night they does be abused.This little boy does got to get up off his bed to open door and go downstairs to look after his food late late in the night— 10 ‘o clock, so I think enough is enough!Meanwhile, although the abused woman has special needs, she works three jobs [as a domestic] to maintain her children “and when she work and she come home, he does want to beat [her]”, her mother said.“He cuff her nose and had it bleeding—because what he friend told him,” the woman’s mother lamented.“Sometimes daytime, we does be hungry and me mother is 63 years old… How can I depend on her?” the differently-able victim questioned.The woman’s mother said that even though her daughter cannot hear or speak well, she can make pastries and has other skills. She recently did a drawing for the local scout group in the area and copped first place in a competition in Georgetown.“She has a lot of skills. The authorities have to save my daughter.”

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