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Wholesale Jerseys Good Governance and Development









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發表於 2017-10-14 05:37:38 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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– vows to remove PPP from office Although there has been no official word about the outcome of the talks between A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) relating to the pro-democracy alliance,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, APNU has already decided that David Granger will lead it into the upcoming general elections.Party Leader David Granger (backing camera) addressing the General Council yesterday.While APNU and AFC remain quiet on the issue and maintain that the “secret talks” are ongoing, the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) may have let the cat out of the bag.Under the theme “PNCR for National Unity, Good Governance and Development,Cheap Jerseys China,” the party on Saturday,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, held its first General Council meeting for the year.According to a statement released by the PNCR—the Party with the most say in APNU—David Granger is set to be the coalition’s candidate at the upcoming May, 11 elections.PNCR said that the “General Council passed a resolution in support of David Granger’s leadership of the PNCR and as APNU’s Presidential Candidate for the 2015 General and Regional Elections.”This resolution was passed after Granger—who is the APNU leader—addressed the meeting in his capacity as PNCR leader.The statement released by PNCR did not go into much detail about Granger’s address to the General Council meeting.It did note however that Granger said that Guyanese were looking to APNU for change.He said that “without the APNU, there will be more crime, more drop-outs, more unemployment,cheap nfl jerseys discount, more murders, more wastage of state-funds, more strikes more poverty,Jordan Shoes For Sale, more street children…. That is why we must win. The PPP must go, and must go by the 12th May, so that Guyanese can wake up to a new government.”Granger told the meeting that an APNU administration will restore to Guyanese the right to elect their own local leaders by holding Local Government Elections.He said, “The PNCR is committed to ending winner take all politics. Shared governance is what is needed to move Guyana forward…nothing is more important than removing the PPP/C from office.”The meeting was chaired by Party Chairman Basil Williams. In his welcome and introductory remarks,Wholesale China Jerseys, Williams reminded Council members that it was just 100 days to the May 11th General and Regional elections.Williams told those who gathered that the Peoples Progressive Party Civic was a rogue government, the PPP was a lawless government; a government that does not recognize the separation of powers. “What we have in Guyana is an Executive Dictatorship.”One minute of silence was observed for party stalwarts including the late Dr. Faith Harding, who had passed away in the period between General Councils.The General Secretary’s report was presented by Assistant General Secretary, Amna Ally.Ally brought General Council up-to-date with the state of the party and its readiness to contest the upcoming General and Regional Elections. The Assistant General Secretary said that the party’s operations in all 10 Administrative Regions of the country are poised and ready for the task ahead.After a “lively plenary”, the second session was chaired by PNCR Vice Chairman Ms. Volda Lawrence. This session was dedicated to planning for the May 11th General and Regional Elections.The statement indicated that the General Council concluded with a summation and charge which was given by Granger but did not give specifics of the charge.

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