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Aimed at increasing the knowledge base of local midwives and at the same time strengthening their ability to network and share experiences,Cheap Jerseys From China, International Day of Midwives was observed yesterday with an educational forum.The observance comes as part of the collaborative effort of the Guyana Nurses Association (GNA) and the United Nations Population Fund and was held at the Nurses’ Association Hall, Charlotte and Alexander Streets.This annual observance came one day before the actual International Midwives’ Day. However since today is recognised as a national holiday, Executive Director of the GNA, Nurse Grace Bond, said that a decision was taken to commemorate the occasion one day prior.The activity drew the attendance of both single trained and staff nurse midwives from a number of regions, including two through seven, as well as a few from private health facilities.  Yesterday’s programme was designed to address a number of issues and concepts including focused ante-natal care,Wholesale Jerseys, partographs, basic and comprehensive EmONC services (signal functions), obstetric fistula,China Jerseys Wholesale, emergency contraception and maternal mortality rate and ratio. The issues were highlighted in light of the emerging issues in maternal health and midwifery practice in Guyana.Among the key facilitators were Nurse Bond and UNFPA Assistant Representative, Ms Patrice LaFleur,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Mrs Gillian Butts-Garnett and Acting Chief Nursing Officer, Ms Tarmattie Barker.  They sought to emphasise the fact that maternal mortality (the death of women during pregnancy, childbirth or in the 42 days after delivery) remains a major challenge to health systems worldwide.It was also noted yesterday that global initiatives to intensify policy intervention for maternal mortality began with the safe motherhood initiative in 1987.The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development strengthened international commitment to reproductive health. Thus the focus on maternal mortality was sharpened when reduction in maternal mortality became one of eight goals for development in the Millennium Declaration.However,wholesale nfl jerseys, there is a widespread perception that progress in maternal mortality has been slow and in many places is non-existent. However, there are many advances taking place in the area of maternal and newborn care around the world.As such it was underscored yesterday that midwives be aware of common terms and themes relating to maternal health and maternal mortality reduction.To commemorate the International Day of Midwives this year,Cheap Jerseys From China, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is working together with the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) to promote midwives as the prototype for the skilled birth attendant. Midwives it was noted are crucial for the attainment of the MDG goals to reduce maternal and child mortality. To honour this day, WHO and ICM presented a report: Promoting the Health of Mothers and Newborns during Birth and the Postnatal Period from a pre-congress collaborative workshop held in Brisbane, Australia, in July 2005.The report chronicles key strategies identified at the pre-congress and participants’ discussions on current midwifery initiatives and programmes. Central themes underscore promoting the normal progress of labour and safe birth, prevention of postpartum haemorrhage, and advocacy campaigns to promote the health and well-being of mothers and newborns in their countries.“Investing in Human Capital such as midwives for childbirth is the wisest investment that we can ever make, to ensure sustainability, ownership, fulfilment, and consistently high results” said Joy Phumaphi,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Assistant Director-General, Family and Community Health, WHO.

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