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發表於 2017-10-14 08:53:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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(From the Desk of the Vector Control Director,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Reyaud Rahman)Since the rain has descended upon us we have noted an increase in the mosquito population. There have been numerousDr Reyaud Rahmancalls from the public with their cries for help concerning this problem. Containers in our yards and surroundings catch rain water and accumulate which then becomes prime breeding sites and acts as a great catalyst for an increased mosquito population.Once we have located the containers or any receptacles that catch or hold water in our yards,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, we could empty them or create holes to drain the water or we could cover these containers of water which we may need to utilise. Ridding our environments of mosquito breeding sites is therefore an effective method to prevent the multiplication of mosquitoes.One of the biggest problems in Guyana is breeding sites which are located in our direct surroundings. Some homeowners are vigilant and adhere to rules of having clean and tidy environs,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, however in some cases our neighbors do not adhere to the same level of standards, and this still allows mosquitoes to breed and multiply even though we may be doing everything right. This is why it is necessary to bring everyone on board to ensure that an entire community is doing the correct things to eliminate mosquito breeding and further decrease the diseases that are spread like Dengue fever and Chikungunya virus.Tall grass or poorly maintained grassy areas are also places where mosquitoes would rest during the day until they are ready for a blood meal by biting someone. By eliminating breeding sites and making mosquitoes uncomfortable we will gradually see their population decrease and we will be affected less and less. It is very important to work together as a community to realize this goal as one individual cannot accomplish the set goal of mosquito elimination from Guyana.The Vector Control Services of the Ministry of Health has embarked upon an ambitious plan to eliminate nuisance mosquitoes and those that transmit diseases. We are working with communities countrywide that are interested in eliminating mosquitoes or insects that plague their community. We are setting up communitySome residents at a recent community meeting.groups and teaching members of those groups to practice effective and safe vector control that put the environment first.We are giving technical help and advice to the group members, teaching how to eliminate breeding sites, how to sensitize the other members in the community by advocating healthy practices in the community, how to safely do indoor residual spraying and safe fogging practices.We are teaching the community groups these safe and approved methods and supervising them to ensure everything is done according to our protocols and standard operating procedures. We are further contributing insecticide,Cheap Jerseys From China, fogging equipment,NFL Jerseys China, spray cans and safety equipment to ensure that members are supported in the task undertaken.Members of the community groups have committed vehicles, manpower (human resource) and the commitment to get their community cleaned up and mosquito-free. All exercises undertaken by communities are supervised by a senior vector control officer to ensure procedures are followed and safely adhered to. When we restart another cycle in a community we will again bring the support items (fogging machines,NFL Jerseys China, insecticide, safety equipment etc.) to the community.We understand that without the support of all communities,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, we cannot realize our goals – a mosquito-free Guyana. Join with us to strengthen your community groups. Let’s work together to eliminate vector-borne diseases in Guyana. Contact us on telephone number 225-8973 or 227-4752 or email [email protected]

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