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[田徑] Wholesale Jerseys this time outside Office of the President









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發表於 2017-10-14 12:50:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Opposition leader Robert Corbin is confident that the international community will work in its own way to exert influence to have an investigation into the alleged complicity of the Guyana Government in the drug trade and what he called state-sponsored murder.The Opposition Leader has written to several heads of government and various international organisations to press for an investigation relating to revelations emerging from a New York court that is hearing evidence in the trial of attorney Robert Simels.Simels,China Jerseys, the former attorney for Guyanese drug trafficker Shaheed Roger Khan. Simels is on trial for witness tampering in elation to the Khan drug trafficking case, and for the possession of surveillance equipment.Evidence emerging has suggested that there was complicity by the Guyana government to the activities of the drug dealer who it is alleged headed a ‘Phantom Squad’ that was responsible for the murders of more than 200 persons during a crime wave a few years ago.According to Corbin who led another protest yesterday,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, this time outside Office of the President,Jerseys Cheap NFL, naturally responses to the letters he has sent will take some time and those who have been informed will have to determine the best way to exert their influence.“We informed the US Government since 2003 about Roger Khan and his activities here and while it appeared that they didn’t take heed,China Jerseys Free Shipping, they carefully orchestrated a plan and it took them three years before they could have nabbed Roger Khan in Trinidad.“So I have no doubt that they will work in their own ways to exert that influence,” the leader of the main opposition People’s National Congress Reform told media practitioners yesterday.Corbin has been leading a call for an Interpol investigation into the allegations since he said there is little confidence in the local police to carry out an impartial probe.He is of the opinion that any involvement of the local police will be to ‘cover up’ and put witnesses in danger.“As we’ve seen in the case of George Bacchus and Kerzorkee where potential witnesses are eliminated, so I have no faith in them,” Corbin said. He described the 2005 Commission of Inquiry that cleared then Home Affairs Minister,cheap jerseys, Ronald Gajraj of facilitating a ‘death squad’ as a ‘commission of cover-up’.“It was a commission to cover-up, and absolve Gajraj so that they could have promoted him and appoint him as Ambassador to India, where he is at the moment,” he declared.Corbin said that his party does not need any more information from the court case in New York to feel vindicated in what it has been saying all along.“The police had sworn statements since the time of George Bacchus. I sent the two affidavits with sworn testimony right here in Guyana. So the situation has not changed except that the world has heard from a credible source of information which the PNCR and other organizations have been making public for some time,cheap nfl jerseys online,” the Opposition Leader told this newspaper.He said that the case in the United States has vindicated his party and other organizations’ expressions over the past years.

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