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Wholesale NFL Jerseys Authentic of the NIS and Mr Trevor Thomas









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The Ministry of Labour and the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) yesterday joined forces to ensure that deductions made from the wages and salaries of employees are remitted to the Scheme.Jean Nelson, General Manager (acting) of the NIS and Mr Trevor Thomas, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour, signed the Memorandum of Understanding to this effect yesterday,cheap nfl jerseys, at the Office of the President.Apart from cooperating in efforts to make sure that employers are compliant with the NIS regulations and the labour laws, the agreement should also enable more workers to come under the Scheme. Minister Manzoor Nadir said that while many are not happy with the operation of the NIS,NFL Jerseys Outlet, it is in fact the only form of social security available in Guyana.Of the country’s 250,000 persons who are recorded to be in employment, only 121,000 make contributions to the NIS,Cheap NBA Jerseys Authentic, Nadir added.Nelson said that the collaboration with the Ministry of Labour is important, since it would allow for a greater policing of the laws governing contributions to the scheme and employment in the country.She said the agreement means greater protection for workers. It has been a longstanding concern that some employers deduct NIS contributions from the salary of their workers, but those contributions are not in turn paid in to the NIS, nor are employers’ contributions made to the NIS.Under the agreement, it is mandatory for inspectors of the two entities to conduct inspections to determine whether the provisions of the National Insurance and the Social Security Act and the labour laws are complied with.The inspectors will now be more vigilant in inspecting the books of employers, checking for deductions made from the salaries of workers and then checking to make sure these deductions were remitted to the NIS in a timely manner.The NIS Inspectorate, will compile, on a weekly basis, suspected labour law violations and convey it to the Chief Labour Safety and Health Officer.The two entities have agreed to set up a joint committee to implement the agreement, comprising the Head of the NIS and the Labour Occupational Safety and Health Department and one senior staff member from each entity.As part of the agreement,NFL Jerseys Supply, both entities have committed to train each other’s officers so as to increase their technical competence and knowledge of the relevant laws. Both entities have agreed to expedite this training so that the respective officers acquire the relevant expertise within a month. In addition,China NFL Jerseys, it was also agreed that there would be ongoing training, thereafter,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, to upgrade the skills of employees and ensure new employees are capable.In order to promote the work of the Joint Committee and to inform the stakeholders, meetings will be held with employers and the workers.

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