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Cheap Jerseys From China they have a career.”During training









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發表於 2017-10-14 14:35:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force has boosted its strength by an additional 63 ranks as it prepares to play its part in securing the nation during Guyana’s 50th Anniversary of Independence.The new recruitsAfter rigorous training and discipline,Wholesale Jerseys China, the recruits from two courses were welcomed into the fold of the Guyana Police Force with the mandate to uphold the organization’s motto of ”Service and Protection”.The recruits, who are now Constables, were drawn from Courses 338 and 339. They commenced training at various points from January, under the theme “Training to build and strengthen the competencies of ranks, through partnerships and monitoring of performances.”During the passing out parade, yesterday at the Police Officers’ Training Centre,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Camp Road, Training Officer for the Force, Assistant Commissioner,Jerseys From China, Paul Williams, told the new recruits to refrain from corruption since it will destroy their career.He also told them that they are now in a profession and advised them not to follow peer pressure since it can cost them their career.The Training Officer recalled one instance where a police rank from Berbice found himself in Georgetown with some friends and an illegal gun. For that matter, he is currently before the court.Williams also told the new recruits of the time a police constable went into a drug yard and decided to smoke. He collapsed in his uniform and had to be taken to the hospital.There will be challenges,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Williams said, but the ranks have to stay true to their profession in the Guyana Police Force.“Parents,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the time and money spent on training are no easy sums and we cannot be repaid—we expect their commitment. Encourage them that money is not all, they have a career.”During training,cheap nfl jerseys, the ranks were exposed to the elementary and essential things that they needed to know at this level.They were urged to be polite, flexible and friendly, and at the same time be firm in the discharge of their duties.Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine told the recruits that they have to be strong to overcome the challenges.“Policing is for people who are tough mentally and physically because you have to be strong to overcome the challenges. It is a profession and not a job,” the Assistant Commissioners told the constables.The new police ranks will soon be assigned to different divisions.

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