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發表於 2017-10-14 17:33:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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– alleged shooter caught, beaten by residents A 37-year-old former disc jockey (DJ) was gunned down at around 20:30 hrs yesterday as he sat with friends outside the Turning Point snackette at Tucville Housing Scheme.Dead – Sheldon Cheddie called “DJ Cheddie”Sheldon Cheddie also known as “DJ Cheddie,Cheap Stitched Jerseys,” of Lot 39-949 Jackson Street, Tucville, was shot at least seven times by one of two men who rode up to him on a bicycle. He died as he was being rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.The alleged shooter was apprehended after some of Cheddie’s associates gave chase on motorcycles. He was taken to the GPHC under police guard and treated for minor head injuries.Kaieteur News understands that the alleged gunman gave his name as Omal Williams. He is said to be 33 years old and a resident of Berbice.An eyewitness told Kaieteur News that Cheddie and several of his friends were sitting under a tent near the Tucville area known as Turning Point when the two rode up on a bicycle.There was no exchange of words and one of the two men walked up to Cheddie and shot him at least seven times. The two,Cheap NHL Jerseys, according to eyewitnesses quickly rode away. However,Cheap Jerseys From China, while some of Cheddie’s friends rushed him to hospital, others pursued the alleged shooters.They managed to apprehend one of the men,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, identified as Omal Williams, in East La Penitence, and inflicted a beating on him. Up to press time he was being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Meanwhile,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, at the hospital the dead man’s father, Keith Cheddie,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, was unable to provide a motive behind his son’s brutal slaying. He told Kaieteur News that he received a call from his daughter who informed him about the shooting. The man said he rushed to the hospital only to be given the tragic news.Mr. Cheddie told Kaieteur News that his son was a former disc jockey, and then he started trading. He finally started doing a business with a friend. He did not describe the business.The alleged shooter at the GPHC hospital last evening.The man further told Kaieteur News that his son was involved in an accident a few weeks ago and was home. The dead man leaves to mourn his parents, siblings and five children.

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