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Jerseys NFL China muck from our taps









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發表於 2017-10-14 18:14:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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There is an obscene silence about the absence of Local Government Elections. Across the country, municipalities are crumbling and infrastructure is in dire need of repairs. At the same time, the construction and other codes are being breached by everyone who can find a way to beat the system.The problem we have is far greater than local government elections. Unless the PPP sees that it can control the composition of the municipalities,Cheap Jerseys Free, it will not head to the polls.And, the desire for control is killing the system, killing the people and the country. Of course the Government does not see the long term neglect and destruction since,Wholesale Jerseys, in their mind, they only see the opportunities to step in and save the day when things fall apart.It is the government,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, however, that should be the biggest agitator for local government elections. The Government should be happy to have municipalities run by technocrats and other people who are not political but capable in both business and statute.The longest serving Mayor in the world is the Mayor of Georgetown,Wholesale Jerseys, compliments of the PPP.There has to be a way that the united opposition can demand local government elections – unless, of course, they too do not see the need to change the system!Maybe the politicians are now seeing any possible Local Government Elections as an indicator of their support and power-base. So their fear of any real or perceived loss of support will not allow them to speedily move ahead with something that will benefit the populace!Throughout Guyana’s independent history,Jerseys From China, the desire for control and power took precedence over any factor that was good for the people and the country.  Water, Electricity, Telecommunications, Regional Administration and other areas are badly in need of independent decision-making by people who have a national aim (as contrasted with political aim).So, will the politicians ever change? Obviously not!Meanwhile, every “heavy” downpour of rain will mean a cleansing of the sewage system in Georgetown. The miasma beneath the surface gets washed and diluted, rises to the top and becomes accepted by all. And this happens across the country, in many municipalities.Because of the years of neglect and poor governance, we have grown to accept these things. Floods,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, garbage, poor infrastructure, muck from our taps, blackout etc – it is all a norm to us. We have accepted these things as part of our lives. What is worse, we have accepted paying 33%+16% taxes just so that the Government can take our money and build a hotel for its boys.We have grown to accept crappy things as a norm.  As we have grown to accept the filthy city of Georgetown as a contrast to the Garden city of Georgetown.This is why the government cannot change and the Local Government Elections will remain Local Government Selections.Or, maybe I am wrong and we are all wrong!Maybe the government and the opposition do not want to speed up the process for local government elections because the current system has one good outcome. You see, we have no system to flush the city gutters. It is only because of the constant rainfall and flooding of our gutters that we have a chance to get a “washout” of the gullies and gutters.I hope you are amused because I am not!

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