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…as Witter issues ultimatum to Benn, GuySuCo management General Secretary (ag) of the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), Norris Witter, yesterday said that in light of the alarming deteriorating economic, social and general quality of life in Guyana,Cheap NFL Jerseys, his union will provide the necessary leadership to the populace when it reaches a boiling point.Witter in an appeal to the nation during a press briefing held at the Critchlow Labour College’s Boardroom said, “The GTUC wishes to put the question to the Guyanese. Are you satisfied with your quality of life…Are you satisfied with the quality of governance? … If the answers are ‘no’, you can make the change.At yesterday’s press briefing,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the GTUC General Secretary (ag) sought to deal with two priority issues in depth,Cheap Jerseys Free, namely the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and the current debacle involving the striking Air Traffic Controllers and the position of the Minister of Transport and Hydraulics, Robeson Benn.ATC StrikeAccording to Witter, the utterances by Benn were irresponsible and provocative. As such,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the GTUC has demanded a withdrawal of the statement.In a message to the striking workers,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Witter said that the union wished to assure them “that we are in solidarity with them in their just and valiant struggle.In the same breath, however, he emphasised that the GTUC was urging all workers to be in a state of readiness to take appropriate action were Minister Benn to effectuate his threat.On Tuesday, Benn in a press briefing described the industrial action by the ATCs as illegal, adding that alternative plans will be put in place if the workers failed to resume their operation by late Wednesday.He had said that Guyana could be forced into a position that would only allow for daytime landings and takeoffs, which could be adequately controlled without the 15 controllers who have taken strike action.GuySuCo.As it relates to GuySuCo, Witter told media operatives that nobody could dispute the fact that if GuySuCo were to survive it cannot be business as usual and a national response is required to salvage what is left of the industry.He noted that even President Jagdeo at a recent press conference “in commenting on the state of GuySuCo is reported to have said that what is required to turn GuySuCo around is the support of stakeholders- the management ,workers, union and opposition- rather than criticisms.”Witter posited however that subsequent events have cast doubts on the sincerity of his (Jagdeo) statements consigning it to his usual rhetoric.He noted that the composition of the Interim Board set up to turn around the sugar company which is responsible for some 15 per cent of the country’s GDP was questionable in that they were all PPP         (People’s Progressive Party) loyalists.This, he added, was in light of the fact that there is a large pool of highly competent and experienced people who would have been willing to serve,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Authentic, possibly pro bono, to salvage the rapidly sinking ship but that these have not even been consulted.“This looming national disaster required a truly national response. President Jagdeo has not only missed the boat but has also lost an opportunity to demonstrate vision and statesmanship.”The second issue he dealt with as it relates to GuySuCo was the payment of Sugar Workers’ Annual Production Incentive. He noted that the reluctance of GuySuCo to pay the sugar workers 8.79 days’ pay as Annual Production Incentive for 2008 is an act of ‘bad faith’ and recklessness on the part of the management.“It is tragic that the management of GuySuCo will engage in actions that will lead to confrontation and disharmony at a time when President Jagdeo is appealing for corporation support.”As such, the GTUC demanded that GuySuCo honour the Agreement between GAWU and GuySuCo and pay the sugar workers forthwith.On the issue of the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU)/GuySuCo Arbitration Award, Witter said that the 2.1 per cent one-off payment to sugar workers for 2008 stands threatened with the recent unexplained action by GuySuCo to renege on their agreement with GAWU to pay sugar workers 8.79 days’ pay as Annual Production Incentive for 2008.“The GTUC urges the workers and their union to demand the payment forthwith….The one off payment should be free of tax given, among other things, the delay in payment.”When asked to respond to the company’s position that it was cash strapped and could not meet the demands of the workers, Witter said that GuySuCo and GAWU had entered into an agreement which took cognizance of the level of production of sugar workers which give rise to the agreement to pay the 8.79 days’ pay as Annual Production Incentive for 2008.He posited that for the sugar company to now say that it is not in a position is reckless and irresponsible.A senior official within GuySuCo, when asked for a comment, responded on the basis of anonymity, saying that the company would not respond thus giving prominence to a discredited organization and union representative.Late yesterday, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union said that GuySuCo was prepared to pay the incentive.(See other story)

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