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Wholesale NFL Jerseys fees. Instead









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發表於 2017-10-14 20:30:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The government has indicated that it will seek ways to provide financial aid to the University of Guyana law students, seeking entry into the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad, to become aspiring lawyers.During the Post Cabinet media briefing, yesterday, at the Ministry of the Presidency, Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman, said that issues surrounding the Trinidad Law School were under scrutiny by Cabinet.According to him, concerns from Guyanese students studying at the institution have been raised. One of these concerns, he said, was the adjustment of the method of payment. These concerns had been relayed to him by Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Basil Williams.Previously, students were allowed to pay a year’s tuition in increments. However, this policy was updated and the students are now required to pay for the entire year upfront.Noting the shift in policy, Trotman opined that it was creating new difficulties for students interested in studying at HWLS.“It has caused and will create hardships for most of the students,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, if not all,” he said. He explained that with the new development,cheap jerseys, the Government of Guyana will look at ways of intervention. One of these options could possibly be the introduction of scholarships.“Previously,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, scholarships were not given for law students, but Cabinet is of course,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, looking at all the available options to see how it can alleviate the burden that has come up,” Trotman said. He continued, “On one hand we’re being told that you can attend,Cheap Jerseys Free, but on the other, you’re being told that you now have a weight to find fees upfront that you did not have to.”He emphasised that Government would not be assuming the responsibilities of paying the students’ fees. Instead, he said, the administration will work along with HWLS and the Council of Legal Education to sort the issue out.He said too, that the Government will perhaps speak with some financial institutions to see if some arrangement can be put in place to offset any complication.Attorney General Williams had previously indicated that, with the updated policy,Cheap NFL jerseys China, students would be required to pay US$11,000 one time.Meanwhile, Trotman also said that Guyana had successfully secured automatic entry for graduates of UG’s law programme into HWLS. He did not say whether this would extend only to this year’s students or is a permanent agreement.For years, the top 25 UG law students benefited from automatic entry into the Trinidad Law School. However, in more recent times, the automatic entry policy has been fraught with difficulties and has seen Guyana in constant talks to remedy the situation.

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