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發表於 2017-10-14 22:53:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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While most 15-year-olds were busy on Facebook, Brendon Khan was preparing in earnest for this year’s Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations.  His hard work has paid off, Brendon secured 11 distinctions,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, nine of which were secured this year and two from the previous year. He attended Mae’s Secondary.Now this achievement, according his proud parents Debra Khan and attorney at law Jerome Khan,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, caught both of them off guard.Speaking with Kaieteur News Monday at his father’s office, Brendon went on to explain his preparation for the exams. He said that his studying was intense, but he would take it easy a day or two before the actual examination.Brendon KhanBrendon said that he would study hard at nights and would attend extra lessons,Cheap Jerseys USA, since he “needed all the help”.Last week after hearing that the results were in, Brendon said he was nervously excited.After collecting his results,Cheap Jerseys From China, he said he knew his hard work had paid off. His mother Debra said after she received the news she was truly happy at her son’s achievement. Both parents knew Brendon would have been a high achiever.“He always showed that liking for education, he also got a lot of support from home,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale,” his mother said.According to her, she always knew he would have done well,cheap jerseys from china, but not so exceedingly since she was not in Guyana for about a year.She was receiving treatment overseas and her husband would frequently travel abroad to be with her. Brendon was left behind in the care of his grandparents.The teen said his next goal is to write the SAT examination where he will try to get into an American University.He stated that his future career path has to be in the business realm,Cheap NFL Jerseys, instead of following in his father’s footsteps of doing law.His parents say they are backing him wholeheartedly.

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