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The roads and drains within the Rosignol/Zeelust Neighbourhood Democratic Council in Region Five (Mahaica/Berbice) have been upgraded and cleaned but the road shoulders are cause for concern.“The dumping of garbage on road shoulders and on vacant lots is a major ongoing problem,” said Chairman Beerkarran Singh even as he reported a successful completion of the planned capital works of the Council for 2009.“We believe that some of these people who dump their garbage in this manner are transporting it from areas outside the NDC and they are doing it at night. You go to bed and the area is clean and you wake up next morning and there is a huge pile of garbage where there had been none before,China Jerseys Free Shipping,” he said.“We urgently need an official dump site for solid waste for this NDC,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, or else this situation will soon develop into a major health hazard for people in the area, especially in Rosignol and D’Edward villages,” he said.Beerkarran said that the NDC had achieved reasonable success in its capital works programme, despite an average 55 per cent of the rates collectible being received to date.The NDCs completed the application of crusher run surfaces on community roads between D’Edward to Number Five Villages,Cheap MLS Jerseys, several villages west of Rosignol.On roads in Rosignol, he said that the NDC had been hoping to get help through a Community Road Improvement Programme (CRIP) for secondary towns funded by the Government of Guyana and the World Bank.This help, however,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, has not yet materialised,jerseys from china, but the NDC was optimistic that it may happen if not this year, at least early next year.The cleaning and desilting of drains, done by manual labour, with assistance from community D&I workers and a HYMAC excavator owned by the NDC, were achieved.The NDC also removed materials from the parapets with its tractor and trailer.The NDC also built two new bridges for access to residential areas in Rosignol and repaired four others.It was also instrumental in brokering an arrangement between residents who want street lighting and the Guyana Power and Light (GPL).“The arrangement is that people in the street come to us as a group and indicate their preparedness to pay for the streetlights. We contact the GPL and they put in the poles and lamps. On activation,Cheap Jeseys NFL, the people in the streets pay us and we pass these payments to GPL.”The arrangement was brokered about two months ago.Beerkarran said that the Council had done what was possible in 2009 to date, despite the constraints.The Council was however looking forward to a speedy resolution to the garbage problem since this was its major bugbear, particularly in Rosignol and D’Edward villages.

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