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Inspectors of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards are better prepared to handle matters regarding the use of cement within the construction industry.  More than 25 GNBS Inspectors along with Executive Director, Dr Chatterpaul Ramcharran, attended a seminar conducted by Danny Jairam, Concrete Technologist of ETERCNOC Limited, Trinidad and Tobago.Jairam, who has 25 years experience in premix concrete production,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, is a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards.Jairam was invited by TCL Guyana Inc (TGI) to conduct the seminar as part of a four-day education and training session, with sessions being held in both Georgetown and Berbice.The seminars are a part of TGI’s support for its customers and others in the construction sector and represent TGI’s commitment to ensuring knowledge transfer and better overall support for the construction industry in Guyana.”Danny Jairam engaged the GNBS inspectors in sessions consisting of presentations on best practices, as well as demonstrations involving mixing techniques, use of the product and the application of chemical additives.“It is absolutely necessary for block makers, masons and those working in the construction industry to understand how the organic materials used to create concrete interact with the cement,cheap nfl jerseys china,” stated Mr. Jairam. “If water, sand and other organic materials are not of the correct quality, you may have disastrous end results.”Head of Quality Inspection (a.g.) at the GNBS, Mr. Shailendra Rai,Jerseys From China, welcomed the knowledge provided to the inspectors. “Understanding how the process of creating concrete may be compromised by block makers not following prescribed guidelines, is key to the Bureau’s operations within the local construction industry,” stated Rai. “We are now better prepared to offer helpful advice to block manufacturers, home builders and to conduct inspections.”Inspectors were challenged to ensure that block makers, masons and homeowners adhere to best practices with regard to mixing cement. “Not following guidelines will have implications for Health and Safety,” stated the GNBS Head, Mr. Rai, “we are grateful for this partnership with TCL as this has greatly improved our capacity to better advise home owners and to deal with issues of quality arising in the construction industry.”Executive Director of the GNBS, Dr. Chatterpaul Ramcharan,Nike Men Air Max 97 For Sale, stated that the seminar came at an ideal time.  “Recently, we have been in discussions with the National Standards Council, the National Building Code Committee and our governing bodies, to look into the standardization of the local construction industry,” stated Dr. Ramcharan, “Today’s session, as well as those to come, have helped the Bureau to fulfill one of its major objectives for 2009.”“TCL is proud to be part of this collaboration” stated CEO of TCL, Mr. Satnarine Bachew., “TGI hopes that on a national level more can be done to maintain superior quality within the construction industry.”TGI was scheduled to host a special session for block makers at the TGI Compound, Lombard Street, yesterday, as the Company continues to educate all persons within the industry, of the importance of maintaining the highest standards in the use of its product.TCL Guyana Inc. is a cement bagging facility,Authentic China NFL Jerseys, which allows for bulk cement manufactured within the TCL Group, to be shipped in specialised bulk carriers to the terminal where it is packaged for distribution throughout Guyana.The TGI cement terminal began operations in December 2006 and was formally commissioned in June 2007. TGI features three silos, each with a storage capacity of 2,cheap nfl jerseys,000 tonnes and a warehouse with a total stored inventory capacity of 8,000 tonnes.The terminal is supplied with bulk cement from the group’s plants in Trinidad and Barbados.TGI is totally managed and staffed by Guyanese. Its operations directly and tangibly benefit the Guyanese people and economy with the creation of jobs, transfer of technology, net savings on foreign exchange outflow, provision of a reliable cement supply to facilitate infra-structural developments, the potential for more competitive cement pricing and the potential for downstream investments.The Terminal is located within the Industrial Estate retained by the Guyana National Industrial Company Inc. (GNIC) on Lombard Street in Charlestown, Georgetown.

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