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[Wii] Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale ” a source at Police Headquarters









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發表於 2017-10-15 02:55:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While the police are supposed to set the example for drivers who use their cell phones whilst driving, the administration of the force has gone a step further,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, and has banned the use of cellular phones by its ranks while they are on specific duties.Kaieteur News understands that a team headed by Head of Police Operations,Cheap Authentic NFL Jersey, Assistant Commissioner Paul Slowe, has issued orders banning the use of cell phones by ranks on raids and patrol, beat,Jerseys From China, and traffic duties.The move was taken after it was felt that the use of the cell phones while on these duties is often a distraction to the ranks.“The administration has recognized that there is a blatant misuse of the phones by ranks. We observed that some ranks use their phones whilst driving,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, while some of the ranks on traffic duties use their phones while directing traffic. Certainly these are distractions,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic,” a source at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary told this newspaper.The source explained that only supervisors of patrol units will be allowed to have their phones while on duty.However, the move is not going down well with some ranks, who feel that their right to use their private equipment is being compromised.According to some ranks, the cellular phone was designed as a personal gadget for convenient use, and to have them lodge it at the stations when they report for duty is counterproductive.The most affected set of ranks are those stationed at the police Impact Base, Brickdam.“We are working people with children. What will happen if our families try to reach us for an emergency? Isn’t that what the cell phones are designed for?” one rank questioned.He suggested that,Nike Air Force One Shoes For Sale, instead of altogether banning the phones while on duty, the force should charge ranks who are caught using the device while conducting certain tasks, like traffic control and driving.He added that, with the limited hand held sets available in the police force, ranks on beat duty will be well served to use their cellular phones to report emergency cases.

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