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發表於 2017-10-15 08:00:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…even as victim remains hospitalized in critical conditionThe family of a man,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, who was seriously injured when he was ambushed and severely beaten by four men,Wholesale Jerseys China, is up in arms after the mastermind was granted bail in the Springlands Magistrate Court.Aslam Gaffour still hooked up in the hospital.And this happened even as the victim lies critically ill in an unconscious state in the Georgetown Hospital.The injured man is Aslam Gaffour, 22, a cane harvester and father of two of Lot 235 No77 Corentyne, Berbice. He has so far undergone three surgeries.Gaffour was ambushed and beaten around 17:30 hrs on October 21,Cheap Jerseys Online, last,Cheap NFL jerseys China, by the men with pieces of wood and a lug spanner which was subsequently flung at him and left stuck in his head. The incident occurred in the No77 housing scheme area.The four men were subsequently arrested,NFL Jerseys Clearance, but only Haresh Persaud 19, of Lot 5 No 75 Village Corentyne Berbice was charged. He appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh in the Springlands Magistrate’s Court on a charge of Attempted murder and was granted bail in the sum of $500,000. He is being represented by attorney at law Krisendat Persaud.This was after vigorous objection by Prosecutor Inspector Bernard Brown. Brown in his argument stated that the victim is still hospitalized in a critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Hospital. However despite Brown’s objection, the Magistrate granted the man his pre trail liberty.According to the man’s mother, Bibi N Shakemohamed, the accused began threatening her son over a year ago. This was after he was warned not to interfere with her daughter. The accused began to threaten to kill her son. On two previous occasions the accused and his cohorts attackedGaffour and damaged his motorcycle in the process.The matter was reported. However the police advised him to forget about the matter since the case will take a long time in the court.The man’s wife, Tarzanna Nazrudeen, stated that her husband was at a school sports at Skeldon when the accused, his brother and two others approached him to fight. The man refused and left the sports on his motor cycle with the men trailing him in a car.Gaffour sought refuge by a relative in the housing scheme. The men attempted to damage his bike which he left on the road. In an attempt to retrieve his bike he was attacked and beaten, when he tried to escape a lug spanner was thrown at him. The spanner got stuck in his head. He was floored as the perpetrators escaped.The woman said that her husband was picked up in an unconscious manner with blood oozing from his body and rushed to the Skeldon Hospital. He was immediately transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital and then to the Georgetown Public Hospital Intensive care unit for emergency surgery.The man has since undergone three surgeries on his head due to internal bleeding and swelling on his brain.The family has retained attorney at law Mursalene Bacchus to look into their affairs. Mr Bacchus,Jerseys NFL China, during a hearing on Monday,Cheap Jerseys, requested that the Magistrate revoke the bail on the ground that Aslam is on a life support and should he die there a possibility the accused might want to escape.The Magistrate refused and set the matter for today.

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