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Jordan Shoes For Sale Dr. Myles Munroe









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發表於 2017-10-15 10:46:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-true leaders are driven by visionThe National Leaders Summit was held at the National Cultural Centre last Friday. Ambassador Richard Demeritte, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Members of Parliament, Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, andAgriculture Minister, Robert Persaud, met with special guest, Dr. Myles Munroe,jerseys cheap nfl, a multi gifted motivational speaker who holds many portfolios.Among his portfolios is being the youngest recipient of the Silver Jubilee Award,Cheap Jerseys, the highest award in Bahamas.He is also a member of the Order of the British Empire, Conference facilitator, Government Consultant, mentor and spiritual leader, author of 40 books, founder of International Third Worlds’ association, founder and president of International Leaders Institute, founder of Bahamas faith Ministries International and many more.The event was one to remember for all those in attendance, since Dr. Myles Munroe’s words opened new ideas and horizons.Minister Rohee,NFL Jerseys Outlet, who welcomed Dr. Myles Munroe and Ambassador Demeritte to Guyana, congratulated the Men Empowerment Network and the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.The tragedy of Haiti is still very fresh in the minds of people the world over. “The efforts of Government and our people are to sustain a collective response and we are reminded that nothing is unachievable or impossible if there is a common commitment to a single purpose,Wholesale China Jerseys,” Minister Rohee said.He said that Guyana has demonstrated time and time again that it can respond in critical times, in a strong, confident and decisive manner, to any call for help from any of our sister countries within this region.Guyanese are resilient, hard working people, who despite several challenges, continue to dream and aspire to a greater Guyana.He added that as far as the Government of Guyana is concerned, the principles of human and social development form the bedrock of a healthy and prosperous nation.“This commitment is evidenced in the fact that our budgetary allocations for the social sector for 2009 represented some 40 per cent of the national budget, and focused on the provision of social services, so that more of our people can have access to better homes, improved living and health conditions, and a greater level of security and economic opportunities.This high level of investment by Central Government in the social sector has been a consistent policy of the Administration over the years resulting in marked improvements in the living standards of our people,” Rohee said.The engagement between the Men Empowerment Network (MEN) and the Ministry of Human Services, seeks to bring focus to the issue of violence in families and the role of men in the mitigation of domestic violence.Dr. Myles Munroe said that he has been visiting Guyana for the past 16 years and loves the diversity and talent present in the country.“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion generated by a vision, produced by a purpose,” Dr. Munroe said.He added that leadership is the purpose, passion and vision that produce leadership.“If you have many accolades or a title, it matters not what they call you. He explained that when a person realises his or her reason for existence and has a conviction of purpose then a leader is born.“That is why true leaders do not seek leadership they are too busy fulfilling their purpose.”He further said that true leaders do not find something to live for. They find something to die for.“This happens when your purpose is to serve humanity.“True leaders are driven by vision and any vision that only benefits you is not a vision,NFL Jerseys Cheap, it’s an ambition since nothing is more dangerous than a person that has his private ambition in a public office.The office would be used to fulfill their private ambition and that is the seed of corruption,” he said.He noted that people don’t follow leaders; they follow vision, since everyone is born to make a difference.“Your job is your skill but your work is your gift,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet, your job is what you are paid to do. Your gift cannot be fired and you must serve your gift freely,” he said.He ended with the advice that great leaders encourage other people’s success. Usually, people do not produce successors they kill the competition.(Rabindra Rooplall)

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