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A Guyanese born woman who has made significant contribution to community development both at home and in the United States has been recognized by the government of the United States of America.Ms. Wannetta R. Phillips MBA,Wholesale Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, formerly of Lot 48 Stanleytown, who retired from American Telephone  and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in May,Cheap MLB Jerseys, 2011 after working for more than 37 years, in New York, New Jersey and Atlanta,NFL Jerseys China, was recognized by no other person that President Barrack Obama.A fact file on the many contributions of Ms. Phillips showed that she served on the national and local Boards of Directors of Women of AT&T for several years. Among some of the other positions held were Recording Secretary, Eastern Area Regional President and Recognition Committee Chairperson.  She also served on the Legacy AT&T and Bell South transition teams to implement the merger of the two Women of AT&T organizations.  Ms. Phillips also received several awards and commendations while working at AT&T.Wanetta Phillips with President Barrack Obama(From left) Dr. Carr, Catherine Archer, Colin Bynoe, Wanetta Phillips and Matron Paul during last week’s donation at the New Amsterdam HospitalAs a Community Advocate, the former Berbice High School Student, volunteered with Organizing for Action–OFA, a non-profit,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, non-partisan, issue advocacy organization committed to growing the grassroots movement by training, educating and activating community members.  This organization was founded in 2012 after President Obama won his second term.  She currently serves as the New Jersey State Issue Leader for the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare and the New Jersey State Leader for all other issues such as gun violence,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, immigration reform, women’s issues, healthcare,Cheap Jerseys From China, climate change and others.Phillips also participated in the Public Health & Prevention Champions of Change seminar at the White House.On November 9, 2015 Ms. Phillips and one of her fellow community organizers, Denise Campbell were honoured to deliver the remarks at the Organizing For Action (OFA) summit in Washington, District of Columbia, where President Obama was the keynote speaker.A community advocate, Phillps is currently serving as the Municipal Chairperson of the Democratic Committee in Denville, NJ; she also served as a Delegate to the 2012 Democratic Convention.In New Jersey, Phillips refers to the partnership with Campbell as the “trouble” and the “maker”.  Campbell is the “trouble” and Philips is the “maker”.Phillips believes in giving back to her community both in the United States and Guyana.She tries to visit Guyana at least once a year.  Giving back to the community is not new to Ms Phillips and her family. Her parents have always been giving back to the community and she says it is engrained in their blood.  It is a family tradition where even her daughters and grandchildren contribute to the communities they live in.On previous visits to Guyana she has coordinated with her longtime friend and retired Education Officer, Catherine Archer to help clean up some of the streets in Stanleytown, sponsored feeding at the Alpha Home and donated clothing, food items and school supplies to other organizations.On her most recent visit, she partnered with the newly formed organization, Overseas Disturbance, to donate gift packages and other items to the All Saints Anglican Church in New Amsterdam and other organizations in her home town of New Amsterdam.The family’s most recent contribution to Guyana was a donation of hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical supplies to the New Amsterdam Hospital, which was acquired with the help of her brother Valmond and his wife Raylene Hope.Phillips is an avid Quilter, whose quilts are used by relatives and friends in various parts of the world.  Two of her quilts will be displayed at the Art in The Atrium exhibit in Morristown, New Jersey in February, 2016 in honour of Black History Month.Phillips also enjoys teaching the art of quilting and has taught quilting both in Guyana and the USA.Last week Tuesday, Ms. Phillips made a presentation worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Medical staff of the New Amsterdam Hospital.

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