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發表於 2017-10-15 19:45:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Patron accuses entertainer of fraudSlingerz Entertainment came in for heavy criticism after hosting its 10th anniversary bash at the National Stadium, Easter Monday night.One of the patrons is alleging that the whole prizegiving session at the end of the event was a hoax. He is calling on the police and other relevant authorities to investigate what he describes as a farce and a plot to dupe customers into supporting the event because of the prizes that were announced to be given away at the event.According to one of the patrons who attended the event,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, Jason Ismond,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, of Plaisance,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, East Coast Demerara, he bought eight tickets from a booth located a few feet away from the entrance of the National Stadium and kept his own to enter the compound.He said that upon entering the compound a portion of the ticket was torn off and returned to him with the information that there were prizes to be won at the end of the show.He said that he revelled for hours until 3:00 hours Tuesday when the show came to an end and ticket numbers were being called for various prizes, including the grandprize of a new grey 212 car.Ismond said that when he heard the numbers being called, he then realised that  the chit that was in his possession was the number being called for the winner of the car.“I went up on the stage and give my ticket to the man on the stage,Nike Air Max 95, and I was waiting for them to tell me something about the prize.” Ismond said.Adding that he was then given a glass set, the irate Ismond said he then enquired about the car and was told that his ticket was a complimentary and he was not entitled to the prize of the car for which the ticket was called out.He said through the entire event it was noted that all the numbers that were being called out for prizes,Cheap Jerseys From China, were not being claimed by anyone at the event.“This thing is like a fraud,nfl jerseys china, the whole night numbers calling out and nobody ain’t say ‘Hey I win a prize or I get a winning ticket.”Earlier last week Slingerz Entertainment advertised that it would be having its annual Easter treat at the Joe Vieira Park,cheap nfl jerseys online, West Bank Demerara. However, the venue was changed to the National Stadium, Providence East Coast Demerara.This publication tried several times to contact a Slingerz representative but failed.

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