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[Wii] Wholesale Jerseys China when the accused visited about 15









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發表於 2017-10-15 23:30:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Rosignol murder trial…– Judge orders Probation Report Rosignol murder accused, Justin Bailey, was on Friday found guilty on the lesser count of manslaughter, by a mixed jury sitting in the Berbice High Court. Justice Winston Patterson had earlier summed up the trial to the jury which retired just after 13:30 hrs and returned around 16:15 hrs with the verdict.Bailey, called ‘Jessy’, 35, formerly of Linden, and of Rosignol, West Bank Berbice, was on trial before Justice Patterson and a mixed jury for the murder of Hilda Nicholson,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, called ‘Hilda Nedd’,Jerseys NFL Cheap, who was stabbed to death on October 18, 2006, at her cousin’s home at Rosignol. He was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.However, the judge ordered that a probation report be presented, this was after conferring with the both the defence and prosecution lawyers. He said that he wanted to know something more about the people involved in the case, especially the accused.Justice Patterson said that what was strange throughout the entire trial is that he did not notice anyone in court representing either the deceased or the accused.Earlier both the defence and the prosecution had summed up their arguments to the jury with defence lawyer Michael Baird depending on his client’s testimony that he was not at the scene.However, Prosecutor Dionne Mc Cammon in her summation stated the accused in his statement to the police stated that he acted in self-defence after being attacked by the two women. In his statement from the dock he changed his story stating that he was not at the scene and knew nothing about the woman’s injury.During the trial,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a voir dire was conducted to challenge the oral and cautionary statements given by the murder accused were admitted after attorney at law Michael Baird had objected to the statements being tendered by Detective Assistant Superintendent of Police Terrace Paul.During the voir dire,NFL Jerseys Supply, testimonies were given by Superintendent Paul,nfl jerseys cheap, Sergeant Shurland Semple and Constable Smith Jack.The state’s case was that on the day in question, the deceased was at her cousin, Lavern Albert’s home at 93 Jarvis Street, Rosignol ,when the accused visited about 15:45 hrs and requested some food which was given to him. He further requested $100 which was also given to him.The two women were still in the house at around 23:45 hrs when they left to go and use the toilet.Lavern remained on the steps while Hilda ventured to the outhouse. A few minutes later she was heard calling that someone was in the toilet and it looked like Justin. A little after Hilda was heard saying ‘Justin bore me with a knife’.Murder accused Justin Bailey called Jessy She collapsed and was rushed to the Fort Wellington hospital in a taxi where she died.Giving evidence before the judge were taxi driver Sylvester George, Dr. Vivekanand Brijmohan who conducted the post mortem and gave the cause of death as shock due to wound to the heart,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Detective Mark Fraser who stated that he witnessed the post mortem which was conducted by Dr Vivekanand Brijmohan, Police photographer sergeant Clifford Burnette, and main prosecution witness, 47-year-old Lavern Albert at whose house the woman was killed and who stated that the accused was her fiancée.The probation report is to be presented on April 8.

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