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Wholesale China Jerseys while being escorted to Essequibo for his trial









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發表於 2017-10-16 03:09:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Hours after allegedly raping three women, a man who had previously escaped from police on a robbery charged was captured at a police checkpoint at Buck Hall, Essequibo.Reports are that early Friday morning,Wholesale China Jerseys, after raping three women, aged 21, 19 and 18,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the man was intercepted at a police check point on the Barama Company Limited location.Sources say that on Thursday last the three women, all of whom work at a bar,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, retired to bed. They were awakened some time around 02:00 hours by a man who removed the louvres at a window on the building and went to the room where the women were.The man then reportedly told the women not to make any noise or he would shoot. He then ordered them to take off their clothes which they did and the man proceeded to rape them.The matter was reported and several hours later at a police checkpoint, ranks detained a man who identified himself as Antonio Benjamin to the ranks.However,Cheap Jerseys Online, a police rank recognised the man as a remanded prisoner who had escaped some three years ago.After intense questioning, the man confessed to ranks and revealed his real name. He said that he was indeed the man who had escaped from police custody. He however denied raping the women and proceeded to give his version of what transpired.The man reportedly told investigators that he and one of the women had a conversation earlier in the night and they had agreed to ‘meet up’ later.The man said that when he went to meet the woman the other two saw him and they all agreed to have sex with him.Anton Evans was nevertheless charged. He appeared yesterday at the Suddie Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty.He was charged with three counts of rape and was remanded to prison. Evans was a remanded prisoner charged for robbery.In 2006,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, while being escorted to Essequibo for his trial, Evans jumped off the MV Malali into the Essequibo River and was never seen again.He was however sentenced to four years’ imprisonment,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, in his absence, for the robbery charge.

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