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Two persons are expected to testify when the Commission of Inquiry, (COI) into the death of renowned Guyanese Scholar,Nike Air Max 95, Dr. Walter Rodney,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet, resumes on Monday.Walter RodneyAccording to an official attached to the Commission,Cheap Jerseys USA, Donald Rodney ( brother of the late Dr. Rodney’s and Ann Wagner, the sister of former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Sergeant Gregory Smith will take the stand for the upcoming session, scheduled to last for one week.The latter witness co-authored a book with Smith,China NFL Jerseys, who reportedly fled to French Guiana after he became the prime suspect in the assassination, which occurred on June 13, 1980.That day, Dr. Rodney, a scholar, social activist and founder of Working People Alliance (WPA) was killed in an explosion.Following the incident, there was also speculation that the killing was set up by the then Prime Minister and Leader of the People’s National Congress (PNC), Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham.    As such,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, close relatives and associates of the late historian made numerous requests for a Commission of Inquiry into his death.Decades after the event, local authorities heeded the requests and convened a public hearing in honour of the acclaimed social activist.Public notices on the matter outlined that the purpose of the COI is to receive testimony and evidence from interested parties to determine the circumstances immediately prior, at the time and subsequent to the incident in order to determine who or what was the cause of the explosion which resulted in the death of Dr. Rodney.Among other things, the COI was set up to determine whether the cause of the explosion in which Dr. Rodney died, was an act of terrorism.The Commission is expected to examine and report on the actions and activities of the State such as the Guyana Police Force, Guyana National Service and those who were in command to determine whether they were tasked with surveillance and carrying of actions against the political opposition and whether they carried out those actions.The proceedings are continuing at the Supreme Court Library Building.  The proceedings which commenced last year, was initially scheduled for four months after parliamentarians approved $112 M to fund the work of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry. The sum was listed under the Office of the President’s $2.2B current expenditure estimates in the 2014 Budget.Earlier on, there were concerns by the members of the opposition as it relates to funding the protracted exercise. Last October, Government’s chief spokesperson, Dr. Roger Luncheon announced that an additional $60M would likely be utilized on the Commission; that amount was scheduled for three months since according to Government’s calculation, the Commission spends about $20M a month.Recently,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Dr. Luncheon has expressed confidence that sufficient funds have been secured to facilitate the work of the Commission. The activity is scheduled to last for the duration of 2015.

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