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NFL Jerseys Cheap Corentyne









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發表於 2017-10-16 03:28:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Murder accused Phileman Boodhoo,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, called Kevin, 19, of No 63 village Corentyne Berbice was on Friday remanded to jail on a charge of murder.Budhoo is accused of murdering money changer Mohamed Fizal Mahmood Baksh, called ‘Sugar Cake’, 56,Cheap Jerseys From China, of No 63 Village, Corentyne, Berbice.He appeared before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh and was not required to plead to the indictable charge.The incident is alleged to have occurred between December 21 and December 24, 2015 at the Number 63 Beach, Corentyne,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Berbice.The man was remanded to jail until February 15,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, next, when he will reappear in the No. 51 Magistrate’s Court to which the matter has been transferred.Inspector Godfrey Playter presented the State case. The accused has retained prominent Attorney at Law Mursalene Bacchus. However,Authentic Jerseys From China, Mr. Bacchus was not present in court due to other matters in the High Court.The accused had turned himself over to Mr. Bacchus who subsequently turned him over to the police in New Amsterdam.Boodhoo who looked unconcerned in court was arrested on Thursday last, one month after he managed to flee to Trinidad. This was following the discovery of Baksh’s body in a bushy section of the No. 63 Village, Corentyne foreshore. Baksh was reported missing three days earlier.After he was arrested, the suspect confessed to the crime. He reportedly told investigators a tale of how he lured the money changer to the beach with the sole intention of robbing him to take care of personal debts.The suspect claimed that he was pushed into the act after he defaulted on a loan he had taken from a commercial bank last October. He was desperate for cash, since the guarantor for the loan was constantly pestering him.He had contacted the money changer and told him that he knew two people who wanted to change large amounts of foreign currency and he was willing to take Baksh to them at Number 64 Village on the Corentyne.The suspect subsequently returned with a car and picked up the money changer to take him to the ‘clients’.However, when he picked up Baksh, he told him about a slight change in the arrangement; instead of meeting the clients at Number 64 Village, they were to meet them at the Number 63 Beach.At the beach,Cheap NFL Jerseys, both Boodhoo and Baksh exited the car and began walking towards where they were supposed to meet the persons who wanted to change foreign currency.Boodhoo reportedly dealt Baksh several blows to his head, causing him to collapse to the ground.Boodhoo allegedly then rummaged through the mortally wounded man’s pockets and removed all the cash he had before returning to the rented car.He allegedly counted the money and found it to be $600,000.

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