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Wholesale Jerseys The New Guyana Marketing Corporation









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發表於 2017-10-16 03:31:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Expert promoted mechanization for expansionThe expansion of Guyana’s agriculture sector to increase exports is dependent on mechanization. A model of this is the vertical integration system which involves the rearing of livestock,Jerseys NFL Cheap, mechanical processing and marketing the end-products locally and abroad.This is according to Winslow Davidson,cheap nfl jerseys, Author and retired Principal of the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA),Cheap Jerseys USA, during an interview with this publication on Friday. At the time he was launching the second edition of 150 Years of Agricultural Education In Guyana: Thoughts and lessons from experience. The venue was the National Library, Georgetown.Winslow DavidsonThe first edition of the book was published in 1998 at Davidson’s hometown, Anna Regina, Region Two.Students studying Agricultural Science, livestock and crops farmers, and persons interested in general readings could utilize this reference text,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, which costs $4,000 per copy.It comprises six chapters focusing on agriculture in the education system; the roles of the institutions; Extension Services; local organization supporting local agricultural drive; issues affecting agriculture; and importance of training youths to develop agriculture.Davidson noted that there are different agencies in Guyana which support the growth of agriculture, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, The New Guyana Marketing Corporation, National Agricultural Research Institute and the GSA.He enlightened that CARICOM countries could utilize the Guyana experience in the development of their agricultural sector. The various chapters will guide them to utilize agriculture to foster social and economic development.Davidson began his career in agriculture during his childhood. He was born on August 25, 1928 in Anna Regina. Years have elapsed and the main agricultural produce remains rice in his hometown. However, farmers are utilizing combine, ploughs, and tractors in their production process.After experiencing the practical of agriculture: cutting grass and livestock rearing, Davidson attended the Cornell University,Wholesale Jerseys, New York, United States America. There he obtained a Bachelors Degree in Agriculture Economics and a Masters in Agriculture Extension Education.To educate his fellow Guyanese about agriculture,Cheap Nike Huarache Shoes, Davidson returned home and took up the leadership role at the GSA. He spent 28 years there and retired in 1993.

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