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NFL Jerseys Supply ” Greenidge concluded.









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發表於 2017-10-16 04:02:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge has opined that it is clear that free expression is now seen as a threat to the powers that be in Guyana, and probably treated as a criminal offence by some.This was after careful analysis of the horrifying massacre which recently took place in Paris, France, alongside the threats made against the Kaieteur News paper by the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall.APNU’s Carl GreenidgeAccording to Greenidge, the importance of the press in the life of democracies cannot be exaggerated.For the people of the Caribbean,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, he said, the wanton and callous murder of 12 journalists in Paris last week followed by the related murder of an additional five persons in a supermarket by terrorists hiding under the cloak of religion, should strike a special chord because satire, the idiom of the newspaper Charlie Bebdo, is a form well known to the English Caribbean people. (Satire is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration,Cheap NFL Jerseys, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.)Greenidge said that the massacre at Charlie Hebdo is a further reminder, if one was needed, that all kinds of journalists, including cartoonists and satirists are also at risk on the front lines of the battle for press freedom and democracy. Although many in the government would tend to say otherwise, the Opposition member said that Guyana has not been spared such excesses.“The execution of TV journalist Ronald Waddell outside of his home on January 30, 2006 has not warranted any special attention by the authorities. Indeed, a currently serving Minister has not only been fingered as facilitating a criminal who it is alleged was responsible for the execution but with giving instructions to the hospital to ensure that Waddell be left to die.  A similar execution style killing of five pressmen, Eon Wegman,Air Max Shoes For Sale, Shazim Mohamed,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Richard Stuart, Mark Maikoo and Chaitram took place at the offices of Kaieteur News on August 8, 2006,” Greenidge said.He went on to state that this disgraceful situation persists because some believe that somehow the cause or the political motives of those who perpetrated the atrocities were just.Rather than resolving to ensure that there would be no repetition, the former Finance Minister emphasized that the nation then witnessed the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Anil Nandlall issuing a de facto threat on innocent employees of the Kaieteur News newspaper, and confirming in the process, the links between the PPP, the Government and major criminals in the community.He reminded that the release of the recording of the alleged conversation on October 27, 2014 has merely served to prompt a set of despicable excuses from President Donald Ramotar and his associates, notwithstanding calls from the Guyana Bar Association and the Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM) for the Government of Guyana, and even from their own, to deal properly with the matter.He added that while some may opine that there are similarities to be drawn between what happened in Paris and the threats by Nandlall,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the lesson to be drawn from those two events is that the excuse for the specific terrorist act is always going to be different.“We should avoid therefore focusing too much energy on those narrow causes, such as religious differences and radicalism for example, but rather on their ultimate intent and impact which is to deny others and the majority in the society, the right to free expression and to voice their perception of the world. In Guyana, free speech is seen as a threat to the income and even influence of the powers in Guyana,” Greenidge concluded.

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