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Mens Nike Free Run who was at the hospital









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發表於 2017-10-16 04:03:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Latoya Giles After being shot by armed gunmen on Saturday night, businessman Deewan Roshan of Peter’s Hall remains in a critical condition at the Georgetown Hospital.When Kaieteur News visited Roshan at the hospital yesterday afternoon,Cheap Jerseys, a large group of family members had formed a queue,Jerseys Cheap NFL, waiting to get a glimpse of the injured man who is a patient of Intensive Care Unit.A relative told this newspaper that Roshan is in an unconscious state and is on a life support machine.The relative further revealed that doctors have given him a “fifty-fifty” percent chance of surviving,Cheap Air Max Tn Shoes, but the entire family is praying and hoping for the best.Meanwhile, police sources have told Kaieteur News that they are working feverishly to bring the perpetrators to justice.Police believe that the suspects belong to a gang which has committed similar robberies in the area,Wholesale Jerseys From China, further noting that the “gang” operates out of a neighbouring village.Bandits shot the 48-year-old businessman in the abdomen Saturday evening at his Peter’s Hall grocery shop, before fleeing with an undisclosed sum of money.Roshan reportedly had his licensed firearm at the time of the robbery, but was unable to get off a single shot.According to reports, a single gunshot was heard coming from Roshan’s store and three men in dark clothing were seen running from the premises.A neighbour,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, who was at the hospital, had told Kaieteur News that around 6:30pm, they heard a single gunshot.The neighbours said that they rushed over to Roshan’s residence.The neighbours said that it took some time for them to open the front gate, since Roshan had already closed his business.However, she added that it is customary for the businessman to leave the side door open until he was ready for bed.Neighbours recalled entering the house and seeing Roshan lying a pool of blood.The woman said that Roshan told her that after the bandits demanded money,China Jerseys Online, he threw a bread stand on them.

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