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發表於 2017-10-16 04:12:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-year-old Jerry Jones, who was shot on Sunday night remains in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit. Jones was shot to the neck and robbed of a gold chain at his residence in South Sophia.Jones’s mother, Judith,Cheap Jerseys USA, told Kaieteur News yesterday that her son’s condition has not improved. She said that he is still on the life support machine. The woman said that to her knowledge the police have not made any arrests. She further told Kaieteur News that she could not say if her son knows his attackers.According to reports, two men visited Jones’s house and requested to see the injured man’s brother.  However,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, Jones ventured out to speak to the two men who claimed that they were supposed to travel with his brother into the interior to work. But after seeing the huge gold chain that Jones was wearing,Cheap Jerseys From China, the men shot him in the region of the neck and relieved him of the piece of jewellery.The woman had recounted that both of her sons worked in the interior. Her son,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Stitched, Jerry,Wholesale Jerseys, was playing a game on the laptop computer when two men whom she never saw before called out asking for her other son.She explained to the police at the GPHC that she answered the men,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, telling them that the person they were asking for was not at home. One of the men then requested a telephone number for the son they were seeking.She informed the men that she would inform her son that two persons were looking for him whenever he contacted the home.“They told me that they had to go into the interior with him, that’s why they wanted to contact him.”She said that her son Jerry was standing on the verandah while she was talking to the men. Jones explained that after she was finished talking to the men, they walked around at the side of the house and saw her son who was wearing a gold chain.“This chain was made with over an ounce of gold,Nike Air Force One Shoes For Sale, and it had a shape like buck beads pattern. They might have seen the chain and decided to rob my son and shoot him. I really want the police to catch these boys,” the mother lamented.

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