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發表於 2017-10-16 04:13:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…says perpetrator issuing death threatsBernadette Jackson,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, a 52-year-old ex-army rank,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who was stabbed twice in her neck and had her house burnt on April 7,Wholesale Jerseys, last, by her former reputed husband,Soccer Jerseys China, 65-year-old Clinton Barker is now perturbed by the inaction of the Guyana Police Force given that to date the man has not been charged and placed before the court.Yesterday,Womens Nike Free Run, Jackson said that the man was released some two weeks ago on $20,000 station bail and ranks informed that they were instructed to release the man given his condition in that it would worsen in the lockups.On the night of the incident, Barker reportedly attempted suicide by slashing his abdomen but was taken to the hospital by police and was reportedly under police guard prior to his discharge.The woman says that the man has since been threatening to kill her. “He does call and say how long he ain’t abuse me throat he ain’t done with me.”According to Jackson she has reported the death threats but the man is yet to be arrested.She added that she has since visited the ‘C’ Division Commander who told her that the police were awaiting the file from the Director of Public Prosecutions before any action could be taken against the man.On the night of the incident a heated exchange developed between the two when Jackson went to retrieve some clothing she had left in the house they shared some time last year.He stabbed her but she managed to escape and he proceeded to burn the house,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, stabbed himself and slashed his abdomen in a failed suicide attempt. The police eventually took him to hospital. This newspaper understands that Food for the Poor had constructed the house for Jackson some years ago.Jackson said that she was forced to run and leave Barker after enduring some 11 years of what she described as incessant torment.According to her,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, she had only managed to retrieve a few pieces of clothing when she moved out of the house to live with a relative last year.Barker is a civilian painter attached to the army and Jackson was a rank in the army from 1974 to 1997.

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